1. First, that’s probably the best Thanksgiving painting, ever!

    Second, I’m thankful that the Dems are too busy whining and finger pointing over their recent setback to realize that there’s still a chance Kamalama the Stoner could become the first woman president of this here U.S. of A., complete with all the executive order possibilities. All they have to do is figure out where Gropin’ Joe wandered off to so they can get him to sign his letter of resignation. Hopefully he still remembers how to write his name.

    Enjoy the day, folks!

  2. //…we only have to put up with the socialists for another couple months.//
    We’re having Butter Chicken Curry Over Soba Noodles, in honor of Columbus, who thought he had found a way to the Old World.

  3. I’m thankful that Trump is going to turn the screws to the socialists and RINO’s when he gets back in office.


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