Hold Yer Horses

I don’t know about anyone else, but for me, the actual new year will begin on January 20 and not on January 1.

So no, I’m not going to be celebrating anything tonight or at any time before the Inauguration.

But on January 21, I will be celebrating with gunfire at the range.  Anyone in the north Texas area is welcome to join me.  Details on request.

News Roundup

Note the price… now you can go and cry.

...who do they think they are:  Texans?

...and Trump wants these assholes to be the 51st state?  Ah don’ theenk so, Jefe.

And speaking of idiotic gestures:

...remember, kids:  for socialists, it’s only the intention that counts;  outcomes are unimportant.

...if he’s talking about Israeli children and meant to say “in Israel”, then he’s probably correct.

...oh noes, you mean all those feminazis, lesbos and girlymen professors are going to be out of a job?

...lessee if I got this right:  “attempted murder” isn’t really a bad crime (boys will be boys and all that);  but calling him a “dirty jigaboo” during the drowning?  Well, that’s just beyond the pale.

...just another day in FuckJoeBiden paradise.

...I guess if by “affirm” you mean “they should be stoned”, then yes.
In related news:  Anglican church attendance at lowest levels since Roman Coliseum times.

...I’m actually amazed it’s that high.

...keyword:  Australia (duh).

And in the usual sexual shenanigans known as 


...like we didn’t know that.  Anyway, not that I need an excuse to give examples: 

And thus do we tiptoe gingerly out of 2024…

At Long Last

…we’ve got rid of that asshole Jimmy Carter.  I know, I know, one shouldn’t speak ill of the dead, but the hell with that:  I never said anything good about the sanctimonious, vapid Carter when he was still alive, and I see no reason to stop now that he’s croaked his last.

The only reason he won the 1976 election was because of the post-Watergate blues, and the minute he came up against a serious candidate (Ronald Reagan) he had his ass handed to him.

And his presidency was a total and utter disaster — only recently surpassed in its muddled neo-socialism by that of soon-to-be-ex-President FuckJoeBiden.

Good riddance, and I hope we never see his like again — although with the Democrats, I fear that this hope will be forlorn because there’s no telling who they’ll come up with next.  (H’Angus The Monkey, no doubt, who come to think of it would have been a better President than FJB or Carter.)

When The Elites Start To Panic

This little episode made me giggle:

Three days?  Three DAYS?  Does she think that a miracle will occur, or the disaster have passed, by Day Four?

As I recall, the BritGov suggested the same time period — probably using the same asinine reasoning, if it can be called that.

At the risk of sounding repetitive on this topic, three months’ worth of supplies sounds more realistic, and still longer would be better (assuming that one has the storage space to hold all that stuff).

But no politician is going to suggest such a holding, of course, for two reasons:

  1. it may cause the population to panic, and
  2. it would suggest that the government might fail in its primary obligation (to protect its citizens).

…and we can’t have that, can we?  Far better to suggest a paltry three days, and allow vast numbers of people to perish from starvation, etc.

Of course, in unarmed Europe, “going shopping with my AK card” is not possible because of civilian disarmament and stringent gun control laws.

It’s a recipe for disaster, as any fule kno, but it couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of neo-socialists.

So Much For The Ivory Tower

As universities all over the Western world start to sputter and fail because of funding shortages and bloated, costly bureaucracies, here’s an interesting take:

Universities’ response to the cash crisis reveals their deeper crisis of purpose. Up to 10,000 university jobs are reported to have been cut this year. Yet diversity, equity and inclusion teams seem to have been largely spared the axe. Instead, universities are cutting core academic disciplines. The University of Kent has closed its philosophy department, while Canterbury Christ Church University will no longer teach English literature – a university spokesperson described the course as ‘no longer viable in the current climate’.

Once, it would have been unthinkable for a university not to offer degrees in major branches of learning, such as literature or philosophy. These subjects were taught not because ‘the market’ made them ‘viable’, but because they contributed to our understanding of the word and what it means to be human. That they can now be so readily discarded speaks to an impoverished intellectual climate that universities themselves have helped to create.

Note the emphasized sentence.

What it shows to me is that the so-called intellectual rigor of the ivory tower has faded, if not disappeared altogether.  (I know, I know:  “Wake up, Kim, it’s been going on for decades!” )

As long as universities continue to be regarded as simply an adjunct to the marketplace — i.e. providing certification for careers — then of course the “thoughtful” classes such as philosophy or Shakespeare are going to suffer.  (Of course, certification is probably critical for careers such as engineering, medicine and the hard sciences, less so for law and suchlike.)

Why one would need a B.A. to be a personal assistant or office receptionist, of course, simply underlines the fact that the high school diploma has ceased to be any kind of qualification whatsoever.

And universities are becoming equally useless.  Couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch of Gramscian Marxists.