1. “…dapper sense of style…”
    Even though he’s outgrown his sharp cream suit he wore to his junior high prom 24 years ago, he still wears it because he sleeps better in that than he does in his pajamas. Besides, his mother won’t let him come out of her basement in his PJ’s.
    He needs to have a meeting where his trousers meet his shoes, for starters. Then maybe decide whether to actually grow a beard, or else shave that passe “I just got back from Kilimanjaro” stubble. Too much more too wrong to write about. What a self-centered asshole, screaming “Look at me, I neeed attention.”
    You got it Kim. Shit show indeed.

    1. What a self-centered asshole, screaming “Look at me, I neeed attention.”

      Right there.
      A very public violent beat down would do wonders for his attitude. No doubt he cries after he nuts.

  2. Interesting use of “dapper.” According to the Oxford English Dictionary, “Formerly appreciative; now more or less depreciative, with associations of littleness or pettyness”

    “arsehole” would have sufficed. If he had dress sense he might aspire to being useless.

  3. I was going to comment, but valine76 was reading my mind and took care of it all for me. Thank you, sir!

  4. Poor fucker. He’s an actor, fer chrissake. They give him a script, he reads it. they give him a costume, he wears it. If the show sells, he gets paid. It’s not as though he did things, or made things – he’s an actor.

  5. Where, oh where, are the angry bikers when you need them? I like how the J. C. Penney t-shirt shows off his manly chest hair, and how his designer high-water pants accent his Kinney Shoes P F Flyers. But what caught my decerning eye was the man-purse. If I was trying to sell over-priced and under-engineered cars, he’d be my first choice for Spokes Weenie.

    If anybody on this planet is screaming for a life adjusting beat-down, Oliver Jackson-Cohen is it.

  6. That suit looks like he spent the night with a fat chick and had to lam out the next morning in a hurry and grabbed her pantsuit instead.

    Sadly this isn’t far from a trend that I’ve seen.

    I was at a company convention the other week and saw all sorts of suits in unfortunate patterns, odd colors like a little too blue, weird cuts – like the jacket doesn’t fit and and with too-tapered highwater slacks. As for shoes, many wore casual shoes with these suits that were out of place. Lot of them with white soles.

    One of them was nearly me. I bought a pair of bruno marc shoes to wear with jeans or khakis and was about to bring them, but when I tried them on for the first time, I thought I looked like half a fag and put them in the donate pile. Never worn them. Wasted my money.

    I opted for a pair of Justin Deerskin ropers and black reboks.

    I’m sorry. The real players wear classic cuts. You can tell by the look that they mean business. The others look like they stuffed themselves in the suit mommy bought them years ago.

  7. I’m about to turn 72 and I’m pretty sure this is the first time I’ve seen “sharp” and “cream” in the same sentence.

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