Oh, this is rich:
A paltry 6% of the federal workforce “report in-person on a full-time basis” while almost one-third of federal workers are remote on a full-time basis, in a sharp turn-around from the pre-pandemic era in which only 3% teleworked daily.
Of course, Elon Musk (the man who is aiming to fix this kind of shit) has the truth of it:
If you exclude security guards & maintenance personnel [i.e. the folks who have to be there — K.], the number of government workers who show up in person and do 40 hours of work a week is closer to 1%!
Sen. Joni Ernst’s audits are finding as many as 23[%] to 68[%] of teleworking employees for some agencies are boosting their salaries by receiving incorrect locality pay. Some employees live more than 2,000 miles away from their office and one “temporary” teleworker collected higher locality pay for nearly a decade.
Yup; nothing like claiming D.C. cost-of-living support whilst living in W. Virginia, is there? Or, as Harris Rigby puts it:
Get paid for big city expenses, live in the cheap suburbs, pocket the difference.
My thoughts on the above:
Hey, it’s not firing squads. (Which would have been my solution.)
This article / post hits on all cylinders.
I work for state government. I am required to be onsite 5 days a week.
In a dept of 18 people (soon to be 20)
– 3 sub divisions of the dept. Only one subdivision required to be onsite 100 percent of the time. (And the subdivision I’m in is the one required to be onsite all the time) exception is the boss of my subdivision who is a complete asshole works from home sometimes.
– 5 of the 18 people are manager / director / C level (soon to be 6) so 27 percent of the dept is management.
– dept growing to 20 soon thanks to stolen tax money (freeloaders get wharver they want at taxpayer expense)
– 13 of the 18 regularly work from home. Many work from home 3 days a week.
– of the 6 under the division onsite 5 days a week (100 percent of the time) we are told we must respond to work orders asap. People in the business complain that they want something and it better be done yesterday and it’s never fast enough or good enough. The other divisions in my dept can get away with bullshit for a while. One time there was a problem caused by one of the other divisions for 2 years ongoing and no punishment for not fixing it in a timely manger and that division kept blaming those of us onsite even though it ended up being a problem under their responsibility. Deflection and bullshit is rampant.
– new people hired at 6 figure salaries and given work from home and the bosses treat newbies like gold. Those of us who have been there for 2 years , 6 years, 12 years, 15 years and 27 years are treated like absolute shit. We are treated like children and not valued employees. The newbies and favored ones are treated like they walk on water
– the other divisions in my dept will have days where not a single person is onsite in those sections. Yet in the section I work in where 100 percent onsite is required – guess what – we are told we have to have a presence on site. And we can’t have more than 2 or 3 people on vaca or out of office sick / doctor etc at a time.
– customers within the business make unreasonable demands and we are told one thing ( it’s when you can get to the request and just try your best is what we (management) expects). That’s of course bullshit. The whiny entitled fuck heads that are rampant in state government cry like fucking babies if they don’t get their way that second. And the management tells us to take care of them asap and sometimes scolds us when we have done nothing wrong. Even when we aren’t scolded it teaches the internal customers they can cry and act like assholes and get away with it.
– outside of our department – the majority of people in other departments work remotely regularly. They pull tons of shit
– whole departments where everyone is remote on days and no one is onsite from
That area to take care of customers both internal and external.
– people call in or email in and say their equipment for working from home isn’t working – and not at 7 or 8 am. Nope many times like 12 pm or 1 pm even afternoon and they say all day something hasn’t worked and they need it now to do their job.
Mind you NONE of these jobs were listed as remote before the SCAMdemic. Not a single one. The remote work came during the SCAMdemic and continues for the favorites.
So basically a huge benefit is given to those working from home regularly as they save on commute time and gas and wear and tear on vehicle etc.
Oh and how does one get approved to work from home you ask? Is it based on job description???? NOPE !!! Work from home is solely based on the discretion of your manager. If your manager hates you or you are not a favorite, you’re onsite all the time. Many new people being hired end up working from
– the state funds the place with the charge of “free free free” and gives away free shit like you wouldn’t believe to the public. Everything is free in America is the managements attitude just like the politicians.
– favoritism and nepotism is rampant. You don’t get promoted on merit. It’s who you know or if you are a favorite.
– if you are treated like shit by someone and they are a favorite and you are a nobody , even if you were right and polite in your response to stand up for yourself – you are at the least told to back down and at the most you end up in HR with your boss. The shakedowns are fucking bullshit.
Wokism is rampant. Emails were sent after the election with phone numbers you could call for counseling and dates and times of group meetings where you could gather to discuss your feelings about the outcome of the election.
So needless to say
– the state politicians and executives are wanting this grift and bullshit to continue
– I am so looking forward to Trump, Vivek, Elon and whoever cutting the federal dollars given to the state as aid. Without the federal dollars the state is going to likely have to make some difficult decisions. Sure they might try to cut someone like me from their payroll – but if enough federal dollars are cut, slicing Jobs of pions might not be enough.
So I hope like hell Trump and Vivek and Elon and crew cut the federal dollars coming to the state big time. While Trump can tell federal workers to get their asses to work , he can’t directly tell that to individual state employees however he can surely influence the decision to cut bullshit jobs and force people back to work with serious cuts to the federal dollars coming to the states.
– IRS and Dept of Indoctrination (education) and whoever the fuck overseas food stamps are 3 departments / areas that need serious big time cuts to the budget and personal.
This bullshit and grift is so far fucking out of control. I hope Trump takes a chainsaw to the federal budget.
Elon mentioned his goal is to “get the government off your back”. I hope so. The govt isn’t just on our backs they have their large unlubed cock up the ass of taxpayers and anyone who works hard while free loaders are given tons of free shit.
January 20th can’t come soon enough.
First, I was worked a total shit job where I covered 7 or 8 other people and was the only one doing anything. Never occurred to me to quit and go somewhere else, I was young and foolishly thought somehow all that extra effort would get noticed. It didn’t. So, my advice, unless you’re riding out a few final years to retirement, I’d say pack your bags and work somewhere else.
Second, my experience with corporate head-cutting is that more than half the time the stupid bastards will fire the one person who actually works instead of the freeloaders. Something about scaring them into competence or something. So if you’re that one guy who works, expect to get canned.
There’s a Law about that, but I’ve forgotten whose.
“In every organization, there is one man who knows about absolutely everything about the company and how it works. This man must be fired.”
I knew a guy who was very nearly that. When the company we worked for sold out to a larger company he had the foresight to change passwords in a number of the company’s systems. They didn’t find out until after he left, and they didn’t want to admit to the purchasing company that there were any problems, so – he gave them the new passwords after re-negotiating a much better severance package.
Don Curton,
I agree with what you said – here is my situation:
“First, I was worked a total shit job where I covered 7 or 8 other people and was the only one doing anything. Never occurred to me to quit and go somewhere else, I was young and foolishly thought somehow all that extra effort would get noticed. It didn’t. So, my advice, unless you’re riding out a few final years to retirement, I’d say pack your bags and work somewhere else.”
In order to earn a pension at state government where I am, you have to work for 10 years to get vested. I am 6 years in. I want to at least get 4 more in. I think the percentage you get at retirement with 10 years in is like 10 or 15 percent of average of highest 3 years of earning. Every year after 10 adds to the percentage.
I also have a 401K from when I worked in the private industry for years before working for the state (I am not a lifer at the state like some of the losers)
I also have a 403B (Public version of the 401k) that I put money into from each paycheck separate from the state retirement.
“Second, my experience with corporate head-cutting is that more than half the time the stupid bastards will fire the one person who actually works instead of the freeloaders. Something about scaring them into competence or something. So if you’re that one guy who works, expect to get canned.”
I agree, and my boss hates me for many reasons, some of which i’ll never know or understand, one of them is I am an independant thinker who speaks up. The liberal organizations hate that. But if you don’t speak up, they set you up to fail and try to pin things on you and they use verbal jujitsu and spin doctor bullshit wording to spin things around and blame you for someone else’s fuckups.
For example, someone else for a long time fucked something up. But if I was one to recently work on said thing or touch it in any way, I am the one taking blame.
At any rate, while I agree I may well be on the chopping block in any cut, what happened with Trump’s re-election is unprecedented. Never before heard of. Trump has 4 years without having to worry about another election. And he is late 70’s and a billionaire. The assholes he beat back this time tried to jail him, and even tried to remove him from planet. The liberals are sick bastards.
I think Trump and crew are going to turn the screws to these fucking assholes.
So, if the budget cuts are deep enough, and they could likely be deep, I won’t be the only one going out the door at all.
In addition, being in a union with some seniority, even though the union protects a lot of useless lazy shitbags, first they have to lay off part time non union, then they have to lay off non union people doing similar jobs to union people with less years of service. It could get to me and my job to be cut, but 2 things
1 – I’ll laugh at the losers going out the door before, during and after me that are useless lazy, rock stupid fucking morons that will have a hard time getting a job in the private industry if no more favor jobs at the state government are available.
2 – Will be fun to watch a lot of the free shit stop and see what will happen as the freeloaders try to comprehend that their gravy train either slowed down or hit a wall.
I get a decent amount of vacation which rolls over (You don’t have to use it or lose it each year, up to a certain amount like 375 or 400 hours total you can have which takes a long time to bank), which is the only good thing with the state.
Icing on the cake? I worked in the private industry for all of my career other than the last 6 working for the state, so while I like the time off and the retirement possibilities, I have a path to work and earn money. Can anyone say that for many of the liberals?
One downside to time off. Again favoritism.
I have seniority over a few people who came after me in my dept. So I request the day after Thanksgiving off and the days after Christmas off every year before the new year starts. (and the place is a ghost town then anyways as the majority of assholes “work” from home during this time)
This time is a time to punish a skeleton crew to come in and the bosses hand them busy work
Anyways, last year I asked for it off again. My boss sends me an email and pulls me into his office saying I am being unfair and shouldn’t be asking for this same time off every year. Other people might want to take it.
My boss takes these times off every year. The big boss above him in our dept takes it off, and she has only been there just under 2 years.
And a few people just started in the last year, not even there a year yet, and they are booked to take it off already.
I’m requesting next year for the same time off (Black Friday and after Christmas) right in the start of the year again in January. Union already told my Boss he is not supposed to do what he was trying to do. Will be interesting to see what happens when I request it again.
Don’t even get me started on the illegal immigrants and all the “free” shit Gov Maura Healey and her fellow Democrat minions have handed out to the illegals. WTF!
Either way, I hope BIG budget cuts are coming. Your taxpayer funds are being wasted on bullshit and in ways you could not even imagine. The grift is off the fucking chain.
As I stated earlier, January 20th 2025 can not come soon enough.
Below is why Trump, Elon, Vivek and others working with them need to take a chainsaw to the federal dollars going to woke liberal states.
Giving freeloaders and illegals free shit costs taxpayers big time money. Time to shut most of this bullshit down.
“Gov. Maura Healey on Wednesday signed the entirety of the $701.2 million supplemental budget that lawmakers had sent her earlier in the week, her office said Thursday morning. The close-out spending plan carries a projected net cost to the state of $133.6 million after federal reimbursements.”
“By signing off on the bill, Healey gave her blessing to the Legislature’s plan to redirect more than half a billion dollars from going into the state’s long-term savings account and instead use it to close the fiscal 2024 budget gap, which had grown to $463 million.”
I’d like to see some of these bureaucrats become unemployed and then charged with fraud.
I agree 100 percent. Jail time for public fraud if found guilty.
For one example, if someone is “working” from home, why not randomly audit?
Here’s why, these clowns, many are not doing all of their duties and or they are not working the whole work day.
In the private industry, you get fired.
In a public government job, that is theft. Taxpayers fund this.
If an audit were to ever occur to check on people’s time cards, their working from home and what was actually worked vs what they claimed, how many would be in jail?
This type of thing happened on a smaller scale a few years ago. A handful of Mass state troopers falsified time cards and said they worked shifts that they never did.
Time to Audit the whole government.
In Massachusets, 2 years ago a Democrat named Dizoglio won as state auditor. She doesn’t seem to be in the liberals club. She wants to audit them.
This year, during the presidential election, mass state voters passed a ballot question allowing an audit of the state government.
The state reps and senators are fighting her tooth and nail to not have this audit done or saying they want someone else to do the audit or have it done a different way than other audits.
What are they afraid of? Why are they trying to slow or stop and audit of Government?
Come to your own conclusions.
Massachusetts is totally corrupt state. Just this week a Boston city councilor was charged with corruption
I agree 100 percent. Jail time for public fraud if found guilty. For one example, if someone is “working” from home, why not randomly audit? Here’s why, these clowns, many are not doing all of their duties and or they are not working the whole work day. In the private industry, you get fired. In a public government job, that is theft. Taxpayers fund this. If an audit were to ever occur to check on people’s time cards, their working from home and what was actually worked vs what they claimed, how many would be in jail? This type of thing happened on a smaller scale a few years ago. A handful of Mass state troopers falsified time cards and said they worked shifts that they never did. Time to Audit the whole government.
In Massachussets, 2 years ago a Democrat named Dizoglio won as state auditor. She doesn’t seem to be in the liberals club. She wants to audit them. This year, during the presidential election, mass state voters passed a ballot question allowing an audit of the state government. The state reps and senators are fighting her tooth and nail to not have this audit done or saying they want someone else to do the audit or have it done a different way than other audits. What are they afraid of? Why are they trying to slow or stop and audit of Government? Come to your own conclusions.
Massachusetts is totally corrupt state. Just this week a Boston city councilor was charged with corruption
In RI back in the mid to late 90s, the state would provide the survey crew for most road and bridge work. The crew consisted of 6 people. Two were competent and probably capable of doing the work themselves without anyone else. There were two mediocre guys and there were two imbeciles. The two mediocre guys would wrangle the morons, likely appointed by nepotism, and keep them out of traffic and other such dangers. The equipment they used belonged in a museum rather than a project site. Spend some money on newer equipment and the survey party could be cut in half and still be over staffed. And that is just one part of the state roster of employees. Magnify the waste throughout the state agencies.
Oh, bloody hell! If I knew this was going on, I’d have taken that government job thirty-some years ago. I’d have shown up 8-10% of the time and been some kind of hero!
I did a stint as a help desk guy (via a contract company) for the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) back in 2014. Easily 66.66666% of the folks I talked to were working at home — how do I know? Becuz most of the issues I dealt with were troubleshooting their VPN that they used to connect.
“work from home” aka “remote work” is a term that should be used VERY loosely. Majority of those allegedly working from home, well, two things are what I see
– I don’t see much accomplished from these lazy overpaid idiots
– I wonder if they could tell you what they do for a living
(Regurgitating Title and Pay does NOT count as an explanation of what their job entails)
Fire everybody and confiscate all their stuff.