Yes, they might be outwardly attractive — if you’re into that body type — but for some reason, I have an abiding suspicion that these three conservative chicks would be… unimpressive performers (if you get what I mean). In no specific order:
Ann Coulter
Megyn Kelly
Laura Ingraham
My friend Patterson always claimed that he avoided what he called “Mensa” women because they generally had no sense of humor. I can’t say that about the above three (because I don’t know them that well), but it’s by no means unlikely.
All I know is that I don’t get the same feeling looking at them as I do when I see Salma Hayek or Scarlett Johannsen, for example.
I find Anne to be “striking” at 1st glance, but then as I look more I just go “oh wait, guess not.” And she’s always been WAY too skinny, from when I became aware of her back in the mid-90’s up until now. Skin over bones is not a good look.
Megyn is the one I think is the best looking of them, but it depends on the day whether I go “wow” or just “she’s pretty.”
Laura, IMO, is the quintessential “mid.” Pretty enough, but not a head turner either.
Why, it’s as if I myself wrote all of that.
The reason I don’t eat chicken wings is the meat to bones and skin ratio is way out of wack.
I require a more meat with my gravy.
Yup. Kind of the same way. There was always something about Ann that drew me in, then caused me to walk away.
Megyn is gorgeous. Would have no problem giving her a flagpole ride (if at my age flagpole rides were still a thing).
And Laura is the definition of Mid.
Skinny blondes? No thanks.
Brunettes are better.
Megyn Kelly is attractive, but not hot. Then again I’m no model so YMMV.
Ann Coulter is like minded as a conservative but she’s uglier than a bag of smashed assholes.
Here’s a few conservative women that are very nice to look at in my opinion:
Anna Paulina Luna – by far the best looking woman in Government today in my opinion. Go see for yourself. Looks are free take two.
Elise Stefanik
Lori Chavez-DeRemer
Kelly Ayotte – Governor Elect of New Hampshire.
Marsha Blackburn – (Yes I know Marsha is blonde however she has aged very well and she is a Southern Belle).
They’re still easier on the eyes than Rachel Madcow or Mika whatever her name is. Even Coulter beats them out
Coulter always has something interesting to listen to.
“My friend Patterson always claimed that he avoided what he called “Mensa” women because they generally had no sense of humor.”
My take on that is that womyn have no off switch and generally carry about 100 times more anxiety than men. If something embarrassed me last week, I’ve pretty much already forgotten about it. My wife still brings up shit from middle school where she was embarrassed or otherwise made to feel bad. Mind you, we’re both just a few short trips around the sun from 60. Also, I can sit for a few minutes and totally blank out – put a whiskey in my hand and I’m in the zone. I don’t have to think about anything, I can just sit and relax. My wife? Never. Not once has her brain shutdown long enough to hit the zone. That off switch (located somewhere in the ass region) just doesn’t exist on “mensa women”. Or even non-mensa women, but just tightly wound up women.
So yeah, that can affect bedroom enjoyment. Not that we haven’t had great times, but I know that one little thing happens and she’s right back to anxiety, tensed up, and totally ain’t gonna enjoy anything.
And I’ve always doubted Ann’s credentials on the conservative front. I really think she simply picked “conservative politics” as her shtick, something where she could be outrageous and cause controversy in order to get “noticed”. Had she tried to be a liberal writer, she would have been lost in the noise of 10,000 other liberal women writers. It was a business decision for her. At least, IMO.
No, Ann was a legitimate conservative back in law school when there was no reason to believe it would be a lucrative career move.
I’m assuming you knew her personally in law school?
Still, seems her shtick was to take the most shocking position and then blow it out there as a writer. It really appeared to me to be just a gimmick to get her noticed. It was interesting for a few takes, but then got stale real quick. Also didn’t seem to have a lot of depth. But maybe that’s just me. I read her stuff for a few years when it was hot, but quickly got tired of it and stopped, haven’t read an article of hers in years.
Her choices in boyfriends also creates serious doubt.
I always thought that her act made her wealthy but was a waste of the legal talent that she had.
While these women may not “do it” for me (I’m in my 70s, fer cryin’ out loud and on way too many meds that take the edge off that sort of entertainment), I don’t think I’d pass on the chance to spend an evening in conversation with any of them, even Ann Coulter.
Dunno why, but a scene from “the taming of the shrew” popped into mind when looking at this panoply. Externally attractive but gives the vibe of a very sharp tongue in any relationship. Still, pleasing to the eyes. Good time to practice the “museum rules” as my dear old dad would say – “look but don’t touch”.
I tend to think those are persona’s and in real life are probably less sharp tongued.
But I’ll bet all of them, to a chick is insecure as hell.
“My friend Patterson always claimed that he avoided what he called “Mensa” women because they generally had no sense of humor.”
When I took a college course called “Human Sexuality” in the late Jurassic period (1976) it was fairly well documented that the higher the IQ the more imaginative the person was in bed. Don’t ask me for sources now after almost 50 years. Personally I would say that is true.
I have made a point of staying away as far as possible from lawyers who are trained to argue about anything. That eliminates Ann, Megyn and Laura right off the bat.
Answers the old question. But what would you talk about after?
I didn’t find Ann to be that attractive in law school, but she has gotten curvier since then. She was probably more attractive at 35 than she was at 25. As far as performance, I don’t have personal knowledge or know anyone that did.
I suspect Ann Coulter’s chain smoking would be a big turnoff for you also.
One perk with Coulter is that anyone who’d do Jimmie Walker is going to think I look like Tom Selleck.
Megyn, to me, is a very attractive piece of arm-candy who can hold her own in almost any conversation, and is someone you could take anywhere.