At Long Last

…we’ve got rid of that asshole Jimmy Carter.  I know, I know, one shouldn’t speak ill of the dead, but the hell with that:  I never said anything good about the sanctimonious, vapid Carter when he was still alive, and I see no reason to stop now that he’s croaked his last.

The only reason he won the 1976 election was because of the post-Watergate blues, and the minute he came up against a serious candidate (Ronald Reagan) he had his ass handed to him.

And his presidency was a total and utter disaster — only recently surpassed in its muddled neo-socialism by that of soon-to-be-ex-President FuckJoeBiden.

Good riddance, and I hope we never see his like again — although with the Democrats, I fear that this hope will be forlorn because there’s no telling who they’ll come up with next.  (H’Angus The Monkey, no doubt, who come to think of it would have been a better President than FJB or Carter.)


  1. Fuck Joe Biden, Fuck Jimmy Carter and Fuck the morons who voted for these two fucking dipshits

    I wasn’t born for the Carter disaster but I’ve read the history – I was a product of the 80’s.

    Biden is the worse president I’ve seen in my lifetime so far. It’s gonna take a real fuckup to surpass Biden in shittiness. But as you said Kim with the democrats never fear they can always somehow see the bar lower. Glad we won’t find out how bad Kamala would have been.

    1. I lived through both. FJB’s 4 years has been much worse. Jimmah at least did not allow himself to be a complete sock puppet.

  2. During the Biden and Sotoero regimes we compared them to the regime of Peanut Boy Jimmy Carter. Carter was a horrible president. Reading the glowing comments about him is absolutely sickening. They completely ignore his horrid policies and actions in office. Giving away the Panama Canal, the Iranian hostage crisis, stagflation, elevating the horrid and wasteful Department of Education, etc etc. Did Peanut Boy do anything right? and dont forget his “lust in his heart” speech. Carter would have made a better preacher than president.

    The only good thing that I saw Peanut Boy do is bring attention to Habitat for Humanity. Other than that Peanut Boy was an utter failure.

    1. To the people that talk about “What a fine Christian man Jimmy was” I respond “And that’s precisely the fucking problem.” The job called for a President, not a preacher. And as a President, Jimmy made a fair jack-leg carpenter.

      As far as I’m concerned, the only good thing he did was sign an Executive Order telling the ATF to lay off people that made their own beer and wine at home. (Dirty Little Secret: Like all Southern Baptists Jimmy and Rosalyn were secret drinkers; they did like they toddies.)

      And to anyone that thinks Jimmy was all that, I say “Try having him as your Commander in Chief.”

      Lastly, Kim, don’t sugar-coat it; tell us what you really think of the man.

      1. I’ve looked at his theology. In terms of doctrinally orthodox Christian belief…he wasn’t much to speak of there either. Pretty much paint by numbers liberal Christian beliefs. That is to say some hollowed out Christian doctrines with secular humanism shoved in combined with a healthy dose of syncretism and anti-semitism. Kind of a doctrinal turducken so to speak.

        So he may have been a very nice man who certainly had far better impact out of office than in, but it remains unclear to me what truly motivated that impact.

        More to your point though, this is precisely why this evangelical Christian can vote for Donald Trump. POTUS is not a pastor. Vastly different roles and responsibilities even (especially?) by Biblical standards. Problem with Carter is that he wouldn’t really have made a good pastor either (borderline Biblically unqualified).

  3. Speaking of Carter now that he’s gone, I think it would be best to say that he was a better man after he left office than he ever was on his best day in office. Somehow, I don’t see too many people crowding into his presidential library any time soon.

    As to could the Dems find a way to do even worse than Carter or Biden, they have about two years to find someone. The 2028 election will be in full swing by early 2026. A Harris/Walz rerun? Hakeem Jefferies? AOC? Some other currently obscure politician who is blissfully unknown at this moment?

    I think if President Trump keeps the faith with MAGA, if he allows J. D. Vance to go forth to make the speeches, shake the hands, kiss the babies, and become the working face of the Republican party, we will see a solid candidate for 2028 and again in 2032. Unless the GOP steps on their own junk or the Dems can find a candidate who can walk on water and change water to wine, the political future for the US of A looks pretty bright.

    1. “shake the hands, kiss the babies”

      What about kissing the hands and shaking the babies? Especially liberal ones.

      I’m against abortion but maybe my mind can be changed if it is two liberal assholes creating crotch fruits.

      We don’t need any more liberal semen demons running around in the world.

  4. I too could not stand Jimmah as a president. Granted I was a youngin’ but we could all see he was driving the car into a ditch…if he was driving it at all (present parallels certainly are apt).

    Later I took a more nuanced view of his Presidency….which changed my perceptions of him from an F to lets say a D+. He also, before DJT, was the last true populist President we had. He was also one of the few Presidents to come from genuinely nothing, to attain the highest office in the land (the other being Herbert Hoover).

    His kid seemed to be less criminally minded than FJB’s too, if at about the same attractiveness level.

    But the real Carter legacy is that he just went away (Are you reading this Barry Sotero?), and provided everyone an object to ignore unless he happened to say something that fit with what the leftist ideology already wanted to do. So when he left the Southern Baptist Church because of their stance on homosexuality, it gave the rainbow people a chance to say, “See, see, you’re losing people like Jimmy Carter” after which he was promptly ignored again.

    Also he kept us from getting Ted Kennedy as President, and gave us Ronald Reagan. That should be carved on his Tombstone for sure.

  5. You forgot: Fuck the Media!

    They’re already working hard to gaslight the Carter era: Inflation, gas prices, unemployment, disastrous foreign policy, malaise, manage the decline, sheer incompetence.

    Jimmah should thank his lucky stars that ‘Boma and FJB came along to safe him from the “Worst President in Modern Times” title.

    He was such a nice man! No. He was a fuckwit that learned how to pound nails.

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