Hold Yer Horses

I don’t know about anyone else, but for me, the actual new year will begin on January 20 and not on January 1.

So no, I’m not going to be celebrating anything tonight or at any time before the Inauguration.

But on January 21, I will be celebrating with gunfire at the range.  Anyone in the north Texas area is welcome to join me.  Details on request.


  1. Agreed. January 20th is the New Year for 2025. And the lucky number is 47

    It will feel like we have our country back.

    Trump has a tough road ahead with the deep state but at least he will try to remove the deep states cocks from our asses.

    1. Even if Trump manages to achieve 25% of his goals, that will still be a huge accomplishment that benefits the American taxpayer

    1. Well, we can hope.

      But I am not too optimistic.

      Politicians have a long history of an inherent built-in disappointment nature.

      All hat no cattle.

      The best I can say about Trump is, he ain’t Harris or Biden.

  2. Go to the range on the 20th, sure. But for me tonight is one of two nights a year (July 4th) I can go out in the back field and practice shooting in the dark without anyone calling the cops because they hear gunshots.

  3. http://www.rscmakehappy.com
    Russell Stover Chocolates are offering an ‘all-expence [unintentional misspelling attributed to your Astute Observer] paid’ trip to New York city!
    Enter the drawing until February 2025!
    An aside:
    If I win, you can have my tickets!

  4. Yes. If we make it to the 20th. I hope the next 4 years will be the start of a long run. If we can keep the idiots from the levers of power we might be able to straighten this mess up.

    1. I think the real testament will be if the GOP retains control of the Senate and the House in two years. I hope the GOP extends their majorities in both houses of congress.

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