News Roundup

Note the price… now you can go and cry.

...who do they think they are:  Texans?

...and Trump wants these assholes to be the 51st state?  Ah don’ theenk so, Jefe.

And speaking of idiotic gestures:

...remember, kids:  for socialists, it’s only the intention that counts;  outcomes are unimportant.

...if he’s talking about Israeli children and meant to say “in Israel”, then he’s probably correct.

...oh noes, you mean all those feminazis, lesbos and girlymen professors are going to be out of a job?

...lessee if I got this right:  “attempted murder” isn’t really a bad crime (boys will be boys and all that);  but calling him a “dirty jigaboo” during the drowning?  Well, that’s just beyond the pale.

...just another day in FuckJoeBiden paradise.

...I guess if by “affirm” you mean “they should be stoned”, then yes.
In related news:  Anglican church attendance at lowest levels since Roman Coliseum times.

...I’m actually amazed it’s that high.

...keyword:  Australia (duh).

And in the usual sexual shenanigans known as we didn’t know that.  Anyway, not that I need an excuse to give examples: 

And thus do we tiptoe gingerly out of 2024…


  1. Dammit, I wasted a bunch of time looking for the article about Christmas Sex in Space only to find it was Christmas Dinner, with party hats.
    It does raise an interesting question, though. We all know that proper urological health (at least for men) requires regular, if not frequent, “exercise”. I’d be very curious to know how that works on the ISS. Are those homeward-bound trashbags full of crusty sweatsocks? Do they have pics of Bella Thorne (top-left) on board?

    1. I grew up in the 50’s in Baltimore, and heard many a racist joke using “spade, spearchucker, spook,” and at the same time, the use of “nigger” was considered low class, and the first time and only time I uttered it, my mother laid into me about what was proper manners and good English. “Negro” was OK, but “nigger” was forbidden.
      I had to do a project in the South in 1968 to get really educated.
      The locals I met bombarded me with “porch monkey, spade, spearchucker, burr head, spook, jungle bunny, pickaninny, sambo, bootlip, bluegum, ape, coon, with “nigger” outnumbering the rest in sum.
      I’m no prude, but I heard it so often, with such venom and disdain, it made me uncomfortable.

  2. Sorry Kim, but the Univ. of Iowa is just playing at shutting down the DEI studies. They’r actually consolidating all the “__________ Studies” departments and folding the DEI stuff into a Social and Cultural Analysis Department. Administrators got to administrate – they’ll just be a few less this way The state of Iowa is gonna have to get more specific in their lawmaking regarding the DEI crap, and defund such departments.

    1. Defund the Department of Indoctrination. Now that Jimmy the Peanut Farmer is taking his dirt nap it’s time to eliminate one of this biggest mistakes. Dept of Education funnels money to brain rapists to mind fuck people and brainwash them rather than educate them.

  3. About those ‘gender advisors’; can you think of a better way for an old school commanding officer to get them the hell off his base and out of his hair…that Trudeau would go along with?

  4. S&W 44 magnum
    “Note the price… now you can go and cry.”
    That was 2 – 3 weeks’ wages for a man in 1955.
    Now you can buy a model 29 for 1-2 weeks’ wages; i.e, $1,000 – $1,500.
    Mind you, not a 1955 Model 29. One of those in mint condition will cost you your first born child.

  5. If we required all registered voters to pass the Citizenship Test, the Voter Roles would thin out considerably.
    And, I would challenge the sanity of any Federal Judge who would attempt to throw it out on any discriminatory basis. If we can require it for immigrants to become Citizens, we should be able to require it for Voting.

    1. passing the US Citizen’s test to graduate high school, college, post graduate degrees and voting should be mandatory. American citizens should be held to the same standard whether they are native born or naturalized

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