Alliances And Such

I see that the French government has collapsed, for what seems the umpteenth time.  Coming hard on the heels of the German government’s problems, there is of course a common thread:  both were coalition governments, where two (of the many) political parties — some with diametrically-opposed platforms — decided to create an alliance to govern the country.  Both, of course, were doomed to fail, especially, as in the case with the Frogs, that the opposition party, the much-reviled Front National (or National Front, in English) was almost as large as either of the two melded parties, so the non-confidence vote brought by the FN needed only the support of one of the coalition parties to topple the government.  (The fact that the coalition, cobbled together simply to prevent the FN from assuming power, was always doomed to fail except in the minds of the idiots with the anti-FN mindset.)

I’ve often spoken with Americans who think that our two-party system is flawed, in that each party is often riven by various key issues which actually find favor with a small (or large) proportion of the other one.  Abortion, for example, is one such issue:  where there may be a small minority of pro-abortion politicians in the Republican Party whose ideology thereof is closer to a majority of abortion supporters over on the Evil Side of the room.  The problem, of course, is that these are generally single issues, around which it would be impossible to form, say, a Pro-Abortion Party to be pitted against an Anti-Abortion Party.  Ditto the Greens, ditto guns, ditto Trump, etc. etc.

Honestly, while our current two-party system is not ideal, it sure is better than the European multi-party.  Small, contained chaos around single issues is, I think, far preferable to the systemic instability of a multi-party system, almost without regard to the relative merits of their various  positions.

I should also point out that a fragmented polity is generally vulnerable to external threats or danger — witness the chaos of the French Third Republic in the 1930s, which in no small part enabled France’s crushing defeat by Nazi Germany in 1940.  (A sizeable proportion of Frenchmen, and their parties, actually welcomed the prospect of a strong national government on the lines of Hitler’s Nazi Germany or Mussolini’s Fascist Italy, simply because they were sick of dealing with the decades-long chaos of multi-party politics and weakness.)

In passing, imagine there was a single-issue party named, oh, the Anyone But Trump Party in our polity (composed of both Democrats and Republicans), and toss that into the standard Democrat/Republican mix.

Ugh.  If you can see only chaos resulting from that little political soup, then you’ll understand the European situation.

Layers And Layers

It should have been a speed bump, but there was no grammar involved.  See if you can spot the absolute howler in the caption to the pic below, as it appeared in the Daily Mail:

Hint:  there’s photographic proof of what the guy actually wrote on his armband, you fucking morons, yet you not only misread it, but gave it a completely different meaning.

Where did I put my flamethrower?

I should point out that Breitbart got it right:

English Premier League Star Who Wrote ‘I Love Jesus’ on LGBTQ Armband Breaks Silence

Clearly, they actually looked at the pic before writing the headline… unlike the Mail  idiots.


Oh, this is rich:

A paltry 6% of the federal workforce “report in-person on a full-time basis” while almost one-third of federal workers are remote on a full-time basis, in a sharp turn-around from the pre-pandemic era in which only 3% teleworked daily.

Of course, Elon Musk (the man who is aiming to fix this kind of shit) has the truth of it:

If you exclude security guards & maintenance personnel [i.e. the folks who have to be there — K.], the number of government workers who show up in person and do 40 hours of work a week is closer to 1%!


Sen. Joni Ernst’s audits are finding as many as 23[%] to 68[%] of teleworking employees for some agencies are boosting their salaries by receiving incorrect locality pay.  Some employees live more than 2,000 miles away from their office and one “temporary” teleworker collected higher locality pay for nearly a decade.

Yup;  nothing like claiming D.C. cost-of-living support whilst living in W. Virginia, is there?  Or, as Harris Rigby puts it:

Get paid for big city expenses, live in the cheap suburbs, pocket the difference.

My thoughts on the above:

Hey, it’s not firing squads. (Which would have been my solution.)

Bad Taste

Worst headline of the year:

FFS, was this “poll” even necessary?  I mean, I’m as lewd as the next guy, and a lot more lewd than most, and even I was offended by it.

And no, there’s no link.  You want to find it, go look for yourself at the Daily Mail.

Medical Advice

Via Insty:

The article talks about “90 seconds” in terms of its duration, but who the hell can keep going for that long?  We’re not animals, you know.

So ladies:  the next time the old man asks for a little quickie, he’s really doing it for your own good.  Even better if it’s cowgirl.