And off we go:
...always good to see that Gummint has solved enough pressing national problems that they have time enough to address the serious issues.
...and fall it did. Now the real question: does anyone actually believe that whatever replaces the “Assad regime” will be any better? Nobody? Yeah, me neither.
From the Dept. of Education:
...can’t see the fuss, as there weren’t any kiddies there at the time. Also, key word: Floriduh. opposed to the red flag that you support, you tiresome little Commie bitch.
...wait, aren’t you the same crowd who came up with the food pyramid?, nobody saw that coming.
...might as well join all the others of their ilk in Canada.
In the Dept. of Mostly Peaceful Demonstrations:
...I don’t think I can fit any more AK magazines in the car.
...let’s just say that not many people would mind too much if all those colleges were to burn to the ground, though.
And then:
...I didn’t know that there was that much worth seeing in New Jersey, but whatever.
And now, ecco
...and as we race down
...she’s kinda plain, but I guess that’s not a necessary part of her quest anyway:
And that’s the skinny for the week.