My Thoughts Exactly

From The Daily Wire:

Influential conservative activist Charlie Kirk says the party should make lawmakers that get in the way of the Trump agenda pay the price.

Yup.  Enough of the GOPe RINOs.  Anytime someone doesn’t support MAGA principles — or worse, sides with the socialists against the Trump agenda — we should have him/her tossed out of office, to be replaced with someone with fire in the belly.  Kirk warns, however, not to go after the Republicans who are in marginal districts — because of the “incumbent advantage” — which is a smart play.

But those who represent deep-Red districts but still play footsie with the Left?

Open season.


  1. The problem is that the margins are so tight that a “gang of six” McCain type Senator or Representative gets undue influence just for being a swing vote.

  2. Term limits would fix a lot of that crap. Anyone, and I mean everyone, who gets elected and moves to DC eventually turns. They make friends with all the liberal types, want to go to the fancy parties, want to be seen as reasonable, and eventually become squishes and RINOs. And the win at all costs, let’s run a questionable incumbent type of thinking is crap. Roll the fucking dice and run a firebrand. Get some people in there with a spine.

  3. Nice theory, not so sure it will work in the real world. Here in Mass our ex “Republican” Govenor is making noises about running for the Senate in 2 years. He probably has a good chance at winning against the current seat warmer, Ed Markey ( who’s only job outside of the public sector was when he drove an Icecream truck as a summer Job ). But Charlie Baker is also the leader of the Never Trump Branch of the Stupid Party, so even if he did get elected, he would not be a help or even a change from the current status.

  4. That was Nancy’s threat that she held over the members of her party that might stray from the path. It surely worked and kept them in line but it takes a firm hand and stiff spine to drive the herd of cats that is congress. R’s only seem to get spaghetti spined marshmallow for leaders in congress.

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