
Robert Spencer gives one of his normal cogent opinions on God-Emperor Trump’s musings about annexing Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal.

There’s the bottom line: if the United States doesn’t control the Panama Canal and Greenland, China or Russia likely will, and the consequences could be severe both for the American economy and for national security.

Yeah, forget about Canuckistan;  we absolutely do not need a colder and more Commie-fied version of California in our republic, and 51 is an unwieldy non-round number.  (I think Trump was just trolling the soon-to-be ex-prime minister anyway.)

As for Greenland and the Canal:  why not annex them both and make them U.S. protectorates like Guam and the USVI?  I find Spencer’s arguments quite compelling in both cases.


  1. I agree, I’m ok with the Panama Canal control.

    Fuck Canada. Years ago I was in public hotel hot tub in Maine and some commie cock sucker from Canada joins in and starts insulting the USA.

    He tells me “all you Americans care about is your guns”. “Healthcare in America sucks”
    “Canada has free healthcare so if my family gets sick we are taken care of”

    Rather than end up in a fight and arrested I asked “and how is the healthcare paid for?”

    “Taxes. We invest in ourselves and we are glad to pay taxes”

    Then later in the conversation the commie cock sucker talks about how when he is in the states (Maine) he stocks up on provisions like wine, chocolate and clothing as “it is cheaper in the United States”

    No shit.

    I don’t want to deal with any higher taxes nor do I want to deal with more attitudes if people wanting to take gun rights.

    Massachusetts is already bad enough.

    “Stop building a wall to keep the Mexicans out and start building a wall to keep these assholes from Canada from getting in.” Scott Steiner.

    Actually – build both walls. And take the Panama Canal by force.

    The Trump train is gonna roll right over the commies of the world.


    1. you’re spot on about our neighbors to the north. In one breath they say how wonderful everything is in Canada-stan and in the next they’ll decry the taxes and restrictions. They’re two stupid to put two and two together

    2. “Canada has free healthcare so if my family gets sick we are taken care of”
      I would have had to reply “True, if your family doesn’t die first from the months or years long wait. Why is it that beaucoup (hat tip to Quebecois Canucks) Canadians are found in American MRI facilities?”

  2. The US should take back control of the Panama Canal. Peanut Boy Carter was fool to turn that over to the Panamanians. I’m sure it is managed by the ChiComs right now. The Canal is vital to American security and prosperity. We built it, we should own it and operate it.

    Greenland, I dunno if we should own it but make them a vassal state in some regards. Let us have military bases and such there.

    I’d much rather have American Imperialism than ChiCom or Russian Imperialism.

  3. Kim, what you say is true for pretty much all of Canada except for Alberta and Saskatchewan. I hope we in Alberta and Saskatchewan can eventually join the US. Except for the inevitable urban leftists we’re fairly right-wing.

    Plus just think what a map of the continental US would look like with Alberta/Sask. sticking up like a middle finger. Plus we’d make an excellent military base to seize East and North British Columbia, which are rural and also conservative. What are feckless, chinless urban weenies of Vancouver and Victoria going to do about it?

    Voila, Alaska becomes part of the continental USA.

  4. Zonian here. Retaking the Canal is not going to happen. In the years before the Carter treaty, Panamanian nationalists were stirring up discontent, including violence, to the point where we were considering just how to get around safely in both the Zone and the Republic. The Panamanian national identity being what it is, there would be a huge backlash to even a partial return to the Zone, and the situation would be even worse than it was then.

    We Zonians will always loathe that jackass peanut farmer for giving away the Canal, but I’m afraid there’s no going back.

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