
God-Emperor Trump’s Administration will, one hopes, cast a baleful eye upon that nest of Commie indoctrination known as the Department of Education, prior to shutting it down.

One hopes.

However, as these festering cockroach nests are almost impossible to eradicate completely (without the introduction of machine guns, anyway), there might be a way to cause wholesale resignations among the cockroaches themselves, by making their jobs impossible (for them).

Such as by implementing the following (drawn from any decent homeschooling curriculum):

Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to fill in the last two blanks.


  1. (1) What was called “Americanism vs Communism” when I took it in ’83 as a graduation requirement. (John Locke, Adam Smith, etc)
    (2) Logic and debate. (informally known as “social media inoculation”)

  2. Basic: Logic. History (World and US), Civics. Mandatory Physical Fitness (you better be in a wheelchair to avoid it, segregated by sex)
    Advanced: Debate, Foreign Language (this needs to start in Elementary, & sadly it’ll probably need to be Mexican Spanish).

    I think most of what you’ve described above are probably covered by what is called a “Classical” education. But we’re too smart for such anachronisms now.

  3. Basic: Logic. History (World and US), Civics. Mandatory Physical Fitness (you better be in a wheelchair to avoid it, segregated by sex)
    Advanced: Debate, Foreign Language (this needs to start in Elementary, & sadly it’ll probably need to be Mexican Spanish).

    I think most of what you’ve described above are probably covered by what is called a “Classical” education. But we’re too smart for such anachronisms now.


    – Oil changes on yard machines and small engines (Lawn mowers, generators, snowblowers).
    – How to store fuel and what fuel to store long term (100% vs pump gas, gas additives etc).
    – Basic lawn mowing and leaf / branch / debris cleanup & Basic snow clean up – walkway sanding etc
    – Using a portable generator to keep power to either mission critical appliances and devices (Refrigerators until you can use the cold stuff up / medical devices if anyone in the home needs one – & how to connect and use a transfer switch properly if you have a 30 or 50 amp outlet for a generator on your home for whole house power using a portable generator).
    – Cleanup and removal of garbage, basic sanitation of key areas in and around home

    2 – Basic First Aid & CPR / General Care for Humans AND domestic pets and animals

    – BLS (Basic Life Support) (Stop the bleeding and start the breathing)
    – CPR
    – Wound care and basic injury assessment (Changing dressings, knowing when and when not to move someone basic on injury severity
    – How to feed, clean up after, comfort and general care for Cats, Dogs, whatever domestic animal you have. Everyone in the house with an animal should have basic knowledge specific to any animals in your home so that anyone in the home can step up and care for the animals, as domestic animals are not able to 100% take care of themselves.

    Pick up 6 things and make a small do it yourself medical kit (Don’t bother with those pre made junk ones at retail stores)

    1 – QuikClot
    2 – gauze
    3 – Medical tape
    4 – CPR mask
    5 – Rubber gloves
    6 – Sheers Scissors

    You can always add more stuff, but these 6 are the most basic things NEEDED.

  5. Kim – Question for you Sir –

    Under your topic “Self Defense” – can I assume this course will include

    – How to field strip firearms
    – How to replace BASIC wear items (recoil springs, trigger springs)
    – How to clean guns

    I ask because I assume yes – but wanted to mention it as, I know a few friends who can load and shoot a gun, but ask them to clean it or replace a spring or remove grips and they look at you like you spent an extended amount of time at Chernobyl farms and they are admiring the 3 heads growing out of your neck. Sad but true.

    1. Field stripping and basic repair are as much a part of shooting as learning trigger control and safety.

  6. Foreign language (or Latin), playing a musical instrument (and NOT that friggin’ flutophone).

  7. Education on how not to end up a total fuck-up like Hunter Biden

    Lesson 1 – Don’t do drugs kids
    Lesson 2 – Don’t fuck your dead brothers wife

    Don’t puff, just pass.
    Leave the dope smokin to Hunter.

  8. You covered taxes. (Just one of many issues with soon to be former housemate. Seriously, the man is 40 and claims he can’t figure out how to file a 1040ez with one only W2?) I’d combine taxes with personal finance.

    That would give me three slots.

    Basic map reading/orienteering.

    Basic shop, woodworking, plumbing, etc, enough for minor home repair/improvement. A basic shelf unit, fixing a stairs on the back porch sort of thing.

    What used to be called Home Ec. Household cleaning, sewing, fabric and clothing manufacture and repair, perhaps basic knitting, crochet, etc.

  9. Reading and “math” (more title inflation – it’s arithmetic; math has variables) as in arithmetic, including memorizing multiplication tables and enough rote learning that one has a sense of what the order of magnitude of something should be vs a a slip of a decimal point, all with emphasis on no social promotions. Fail, repeat and repeat the grade until mastered.
    If one can read well and have a good sense of numbers, the world’s your oyster. Grow up illiterate and innumerate and you’ll be an unemployable, untrainable burden whose options are drugs or other forms of crime.

  10. Noose Management For Fun And Profit!
    Renting Your Lamppost For Fun And Profit!
    Lime Those Corpses For Fun And Profit!
    Backhoe Mass-Graves For Fun And Profit!
    Exterminating BOLSHEVIKS For Fun And Profit!

    1. 1 – Shredder maintenance – so that one can destroy Food stamps, snap benefit cards and other forms of government cheese (aka stolen taxpayer funds)

      2 – installing steel front bumpers on your vehicle so that protesters blocking the roads won’t cause as much damage to your vehicle when drivers use the road for its lawful and intended purpose.

  11. 1. History – all of it, as someone wrote, warts and all. It is how we pass on the culture. And let’s forget this “all cultures are equally valid” nonsense; there is a reason the West came to dominate the planet.

    1. Poli Sci, particularly the US Constitution, and it’s fundamental principles and philosophical underpinnings, including Magna Carta, Locke, Montesquieu, Hobbes, and Jefferson. I truly believe the Declaration of Independence is, aside from religious texts (a whole separate category), the most important piece of writing in human history, It was revolutionary in 1776; it is still revolutionary.

    I’d add a third: Fundamental Economics, i.e. Adam Smith to Milton Friedman. A lack of understanding of the reality of scarcity of resources, and all the principles which flow from that, is a large part of our current troubles. I need not be deeply complicated, but the fundamental principles must be understood.

    Math and Reading I assume are included in all the other subjects. If you can’t read and do basic calculations, you’re worthless and a mere tool for those who can. They are a necessary predicate to everything else.

    1. Many people (adults) can’t even tell you basic facts like who the President and Vice President are, how many branches of government there are and what the electoral college is.

      Too many stupid people exist. That is how Kamala Harris got any votes at all. Lower information dumbass mother fuckers with no clue what is going on on this planet.

  12. I second Toon: Drivers education. This was once part of the high school curriculum in Michigan, but it was eliminated at some point. (And I’m sure the schools argue budgetary constraints, even though their budgets per student have risen several times faster than inflation. From what I can see the main reason thing soaking up all the money is that it takes at least 5 high-paid college graduates with school administration majors to replace one good secretary from the old days. The secretaries were smart, hard-working, and not “educated” past their intelligence.) There are private schools, and you must pay for your kid to take a course if you want him to get a license at 16 or 17, but an 18-year old adult only needs to fake his way through a 10 question written test and a short driving test. Many do wait until 18, and it shows!

    Another thing about the private courses in northern states: most of them are in the summer; otherwise almost all the driving practice would have to be on weekends, because daylight is required. Back in 1969, my high school course was in mid-day from September to January. We learned to drive in the snow, lots of driving in lots of snow! A summer course can’t teach that in practice, and the graduates are damned dangerous their first winter.

    1. Finally, very basic maintenance should be included. I see too many people driving with low tires. At a minimum, if you drive you should at least be able to check the tires for pressure and tread depth, oil, and windshield washer fluid, and correct deficiencies. And you should know that if you aren’t checking a number of other things (brake fluid, power steering, transmission, etc.), you need to have regular checkouts by a mechanic.

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