Fresh Air Blast

We interrupt your sleepy Saturday morning’s perusal of this website to point you to this wonderful statement of intent:

‘We’re Taking Resignations at 12:01 on January 20’

And no, I’m not going to excerpt any of it;  you need to go there and read the whole damn thing for yourselves.  It’s Saturday, and I guarantee it’s going to make your day — nay, even your whole weekend — better.


  1. Hopefully if this is successful the “new sheriff in town” can not only get rid if freedom haters from the ranks but also get rid of whatever lists that many Americans, maybe even some of us, are on for simply being Americans.

    Is Tulsi Gabbard still a part of this? I want to see her help clean house at this department too.

    This same thing is also needed at the ATF, Dept of Indoctrination, IRS and FBI.

  2. I read that and through my tears of joy thought, “I’d like to believe that this time, I really would “

  3. Don’t get your hopes up too high folks, politics has a long history of disappointing “we the people”.

    I’ll believe it when I see it and not one second sooner.

    In the meantime, I have a life to live.

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