News Roundup

Okay, let’s start off with

...these panicky items always assume that the U.S. isn’t preparing exactly the same thing to use against anyone who tries.  I just hope we are...

...but but but EEEEVIL GUNS!!!! 

And there are always the non-sequiturs:

...can they be any more stupid?  And speaking of morons:

...I’m sure he has all the data to support this claim… he doesn’t?  Oh well, then, just Jeffries being Jeffries, i.e being a total moron.

...they should be caught and made to drink it.

...maybe they should all just convert to Islam.  What the hell:  these kids seem to be refusing to do anything… like work, for instance. 

From The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©: simple question for Hizzoner:  is rape against the law in these assholes’ home countries?  It is?  Then throw their asses in jail.

From the Department of Health:

…and just to show it can happen anywhere:

In Economic Emigration News:

...gosh, and all the BritGov did was increase their taxes and tank the economy.

...I wonder why that is.  Could it be because it’s all a load of bullshit and we can’t afford it?

...keyword:  AustraliaFor the mathematically-challenged, that’s an average of about 8 per night, every night of the year.  Uh huh, sure.

And from the Department of Education:

...flogging for teacher?  I’m open to suggestions.

...doesn’t tell us much;  all fast food chains are better than McDonald’s.

And one more time from

...given that it’s the Diet Woke corporation, he may want to hire a taster first.

...did I already say how much I love EytiePM Giorgia Meloni?

And in our journey along :

...for some reason, the picture of Miss Nancy getting  going off gives me a tingling.  Why?

And that’s the news, all rounded out  up.


  1. “all fast food chains are better than McDonald’s.“

    Hate to tell you, but you’re wrong. Burger Chef served ketchup soaked cardboard thinly disguised as hamburger. Granted, they’re gone, but I fully expect there are worse chains springing up as we sit here. With luck neither of us will have the misfortune to eat at any of them before they blow up, but they’re out there.

  2. An 8 million dollar fishing boat? Really? There’s got to be a story there..

    Anyone else got that “too good to be true” feeling? The J6 pardons alone are like Christmas, but DEI dead and the app for sneaking into the country dead and all the other stuff going on are like too much! That session in the oval office where he was signing EOs and taking questions from mostly stupid press.. pure gold!

    Its going to be an interesting month!

    1. Also are unconditional pardons for unspecified crimes even constitutional? I’d love to see Trump’s DOJ go after that..
      “and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States”.

      That’s specific offenses. IF you don’t name them, then are they really pardoned? Then there’s the whole competency thing. Who actually signed those pardons? Really hoping that gets investigated also.

      1. For all the names mentioned when he was pardoning family members. in-laws, third cousins twice removed, etc., I don’t recall hearing Jill (I’m a DOCTOR, dammit) Biden’s name mentioned? Is she saintly pure, or was it a geriatric oversight?

  3. I’d like to see those preemptive pardons ruled as unconstitutional or null and void then watch them panic.

    No surprise that government run healthcare leads to rationed healthcare which in turn leads to delayed and denied care. as Bastiat said something to the effect that everyone wants to live at the expense of the state but forget the fact that the state lives at the expense of the citizenry.

  4. MAD doesn’t work as a determent against a country that relies more on dung fires for energy than on their electricity grid. Pakistan has nukes and Iran has the means of delivering one to a spot above the U.S. where an EMP blast would be effective. Both would survive the retaliatory strikes better than we’d handle the initial attack.

    There is no argument I can think of against hardening our grid against an EMP attack NOW. Even if terrestrial threats are deterred by good sense, a Carrington event from the sun has happened before and will happen again.

  5. Where did all those millionaires who left the UK go? The EU is just as bad about taxes as the UK.
    Did we get those productive folks?
    Kim, can you use your contacts to persuade some that Constable countrysides are nice, but there is a rugged charm to a Hill Country hog hunt also.

    1. As I understand it, they’ve gone to tax havens like Monaco or Switzerland, or to the Gulf states like Bahrain.

      1. Might want to ask where the California millionaires went. CA had 28K! back in dot com days.
        That was people who had a paycheck that was more than a $M/year. They got hit with a 10% surcharge on top of the 11% for max earners.
        1/3 bailed immediately. About 20 years later there were about 1800 left, when a new batch of tax stealers passed an additional 3% grab. Again about 1/3 bailed. The remaining are probably doing an orderly removal. CA also has a tax hit if you are taking a business with you as you leave. 10% of value every year for ten years.

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