Nazzo Fast, Boss

Okay, God-Emperor DJT has made his first misstep — in my eyes, anyway.  Here’s why:

Trump responded to a reporter’s question about whether he would halt relief aid to California because of their sanctuary city policies.

TRUMP: I want to see two things in Los Angeles: Voter ID, so that the people have a chance to vote. And I want to see the water be released and come down into Los Angeles and throughout the state. Those are the two things.

Okay, here’s the thing.  I don’t think that POTUS / the FedGov should involve themselves in state politics, no matter how egregious the wrong being addressed.

I have no issue with the voter ID thing, because that has a direct impact on federal elections (e.g. for POTUS/VP), so whatever leverage he can apply to get that problem sorted out is fine.  Californians should not be able to rig the voting system (as they are), and that’s that.

But the water thing?  Nazzo fast, Guido.

The point is that in this regard, it is only Californians who are being hurt by the stupid Green policies of the CalGov.  It’s not a national issue, but a state issue.  If Californians continue to vote for the people who are in thrall to fucked-up policies like the water-related ones, then more fool them.  If they want to change those policies, they have to vote for change.  It’s not the business of the FedGov, ergo  nor that of POTUS.

It’s a step too far.

Even though I love the idea of Californians getting their noses rubbed into it, it’s wrong.

Make it just the voter ID issue, DJT, and we’ll be cool.


  1. It IS the FEDGOV’s business if CA is asking for federal funds to solve problems created by bad state policies.

  2. The lack of water to fight fires and manage their forests is causing the Federal government to send tax dollars to help rebuild so yes, the release of water to LA and such has become a Federal issue.

  3. Have a look at how much of our federal tax has been allocated to projects in CA, all of them green boondoggles. You betcha we have a say in how they fix issues before any targeted assistance is given. Heck we should demand back the billions given ever the past 50 years. Remember things like the solar power steam generator plant, otherwise known as the bird cooker? The high speed train to nowhere. Education funds for “green research”, the list never ends. All will have federal funding attached, just look at Pelosi’s portfolio for hints.

  4. Agree that if they want our tax dollars, they deserve the lecture. Kinda like your kid getting into some trouble and wanting you to bail him or her out (again!). It’s gonna come with a lecture and possible strings attached.

  5. Here’s my thought. Tell me if I’m wrong.

    CalGov is expecting taxpayer funds from all around the nation to fix the damages from the fires. Okay. As a nation, we do that kind of thing. We’re fixing New Orleans. We rebuild after tornadoes. we fix bridges after boat crashes. we rebuild after hurricanes. Name it, America has this “thing” about helping when we need to. Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, all those are NATURAL disasters we currently don’t have any control over. But the fires in Cali are a recurring thing. Often, they are man-caused, and with some effort, can be prevented or minimized so we don’t have to wait for them to burn their way to the ocean to put them out. Should we, as a generous and caring nation, be expected to open our treasury time and again to repair preventable problems? Should we keep rebuilding bridges if they can’t keep boats from running into them?

    Yes, the current batch of problems in Lala Land are terrible, but by your argument, Cali voters continue to elect politicians who support and advance their particular kind of foolishness. Why should we be expected to save them from their own stupidity? If you’re not willing to fix the root causes you CAN fix, then you better learn to live with the results.

  6. Yes, the President is not the leader of the nation (which being composed of Americans, does not need to be led) let alone of the world; he or she is the chief executive of the federal government. That being said, he still needs to assure the taxpayers that funds spent on repairing damage at the State or regional level will not be wasted on temporary fixes that will be overwhelmed by continuing State or regional bad policies.
    Explain again why popular democracy can be achieved only by voting for candidates whose appearance on the ballot is due solely to their ambition. If you can be drafted to risk death you can be drafted to endure unpleasant tasks, for your country. .

  7. To echo what has been said by many here already, if California wants Federal tax dollars in the form of Aid, then the CEO of the USA has grounds for making some demands that they make some changes to prevent future disasters which will also require spending Federal tax dollars.

  8. All US navigable waterways are under the control of Congress, and all the rivers are navigable, at least in party. Governor Hairgel has been blowing dams up to save fish (and killing while populations of them in the process.)
    If Congress says they’re building dams and reservoirs using Corps of Engineers staff to do it, why don’t we just sit back and watch the lefties shriek themselves into apoplexy?
    Oh, and taking federal control of the waterflow from the existing dams. Sure, Hairgel will sue, but he’ll sue anyway and our brand new US Attorneys can use unlimited funds and friendly judges to get OUR way for once.

  9. It’s not just CA scewing CA. They are also screwing everyone with upstream water rights, like Nevada and Utah. The Colorado RIVER compact allows the other lower basin states to use the water that CA doesn’t in its allocation, but instead CA just wastes it into the ocean.

    It’s like you and two friends get a free pizza. An equal share each is 4 slices. You and Utah eat your four each and are still hungry. CA eats two, rolls one up and rubs it against his ass, and throws the other one over the balcony and giggles. (It’s actually worse in reality because CA is allocated a bigger share.)

  10. another problem not mentioned yet is that a lot of commiefornia regulations end up being adopted by federal agencies and turned into federal regulations, without any control by congress or the president.

    By curtailing commiefornia’s ability to create such things, that path gets taken away.

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