News Roundup

You’re going to need all that beer to sustain you during this rather lengthy roundup.

...that thumping sound you hear is that of thousands of DEI .dotmil hearts beating faster.  Oh, and fuck you, Mitch McConnell.

And also:

...oh yeah, baby.

...just not enough, methinks.

...oh STFU, you pathetic socialist twerp, and stick to extorting money from car traffic.

...but the Lord Mayor is more concerned with Trump Fascism.

...of course they would.  Nobody cares.

...not exactly yer diplomatic language — which is why I like it.

...should have been demoted to a clerical position in their Duluth office, but nemmind.

...just remember this statement, Turban Durbin, when conservatives start to defy your side’s EOs.

And speaking of those assholes:

...we should just change the name of that shithole to “Pedophilia” and have done with it. the reign of World-Emperor Kim, these assholes would additionally be subjected to daily ten-minute beatings, with hammers, for the duration of their sentence.

...ordinarily, I’m not a supporter of increased Gummint powers, but in this case I’ll make an exception.

...because the shooter was Black and his victim White, we’ll read no more about it.

...oh dear.  That NetZero thing is really proving to be problematic, isn’t it?

And to emphasize the point:

...but only when said infrastructure  is being funded by the UKGov.  Otherwise, it’s fine.

And speaking of Commie fuckwits:

...and this Commie bint is doing her part to boost the UK’s economy by increasing taxes and confiscating inheritances.

So let’s just look at how Britishland’s venture into the world of Communist economics is going:

...and the next “unexpected! consequence”: all is proceeding according to plan, then?

...keywords:  pension tax raids.

And in our weekly record of 

...well, that would stop anyone, really.

...forget it, Jake, it’s Britishland.  Not gonna happen, no matter how many children are slaughtered.

Finally, in our weekly saunter down :

...not too bad for 53:

And a few earlier pics:

I think that’s rounded off the news nicely, don’t you think?


  1. well the start and finish were quite nice.

    The people of the UK just don’t get it. Embracing socialism is bad. They even fought the huns in the mid twentieth century to resist socialism. Now they embrace it wholeheartedly with few corrections.

    I heard a podcast with Nick Frietas the other day about Snow and Murkowski voting against Hegseth’s nomination. I guess Snow has a record of voting 80% of the time in favor of Trump’s policies. He makes the argument that she should be given a pass on the Hegseth vote because removing her would probably lead to a Democrat taking the seat and they would vote less often with legislation that would help America. McConnell on the other hand has no such excuse.

  2. McConnell is a prime specimen of deep state cockroach in its natural habitat. Never had a real job; career apparatchik with a net worth north of 30 million. I’m sure he came by it honestly. Really.

    When & why did people start capitalizing black & white? I never have, and don’t plan to start.

  3. While I think the woman in the bikini is attractive, I would offer a couple of observations. First, I think she should wear the bikini bottoms that come up over her hips, rather than across them. She already has great leg length and the hip straps would make her legs even more fantastic. They would also eliminate that I have the longest torso in the world look that she is currently rocking. IMPO, she could use a couple of additional cup sizes although she is quite nice as is. YMMV. Still, I’d be happy to meet her.

    1. In regard to the Southport killer – apparently King Charles no longer has a headsman on staff? That scum should be remanded to the Tower of London so the Yeoman Warders can deliver justice.

  4. Durbin’s advice to defy Trump’s Executive Orders isn’t aging well, is it? Those who try are hitting the street so hard and fast they leave skid marks.

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