Let Africa Split

Okay, that’s just a silly play on the title of an essay some guy once wrote, but this development is interesting:

Scientists have warned that Africa is breaking apart faster than previously thought.

A 35-mile-long fissure in Ethiopia’s desert emerged in 2005 but has since been widening at a rate of half an inch per year.

Researchers previously believed the split would take tens of millions of years, but Ken Macdonald, a professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, told DailyMail.com that it would likely happen within one to five million years.

The separation would also create a new ocean and continent on Earth. 

No doubt, someone will soon be ascribing this to Global Warming Climate Cooling Change©, because reasons.


  1. hold on, I might have a spare fuck around here somewhere. Nope, not in my pocket. not in last season’s jacket. Maybe in this cabinet? nope. Not in this drawer either. Looks like I’m fresh out of fucks to give

    1. Have you looked under the sofa cushions? You might at least find some lost change, if not one or two lost fucks.

    2. I think you’ve nailed it, Kim. Global Warming Climate Cooling Change © is now effecting Earth’s crust and mantle, splitting Africa. Is there anything it can’t do?!? Quick, somebody take a look at what’s happening with the San Andreas fault and the Yellowstone supervolcano.

    1. It would have long ago, except the inhabitants of San Francisco and Hollywood are so light in their loafers they are pulling it back so strongly that it hasn’t happened yet.

  2. Any chance of 35-mile-long (or longer) fissure that could break COMMIE FORNIA off into the ocean away from the United States? Let Gavin and all the fucking morons in his state, especially the Holly WIERDO’S have their own place to fuck up away from the rest of us all.

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