Oh Boo Frigging Hoo

I know that this happened in Socialist Britishland [/redundancy alert], but still:

A university has been accused of bullying its neighbours by preventing them from getting out of their back gardens.

Residents in Gloucester are fuming after the University of Gloucestershire put a 6ft high metal fence up against the edge of their properties, ahead of an expected sale of the land. 

It means people can’t get out of their gates and use the field for a stroll, to walk their dogs or let their children play, as they have done for many years.

Residents believe the move has affected their right to roam across the land and say it was done without warning.

Uhhhh it’s called “private property”, you idiots, and your previous use of the land was a privilege or favor granted by the land’s owner, and not one of your “rights” (especially a “right to roam”, which is a peculiar British custom anyway).

From the landowner:

A University of Gloucestershire spokesperson said: ‘We have put a fence around our site because, like any landowner, we do need to ensure our private property is secure and that our rights over the land are clear.

While the land is private property with no right of access or ‘right of way’ in place, we are keen to ensure that we maintain a positive relationship with our neighbours, so we have arranged drop-in sessions for residents to meet with senior members of our team so we can understand their concerns and answer any questions they may have.’

Wait till these privileged neighbors learn that the uni is selling the land to a developer who’ll most likely put up one of those ghastly Brit-style developments which resemble a low-security Scandinavian prison…


  1. I’m surprised the local town council hasn’t ordered the fence to be removed. Learning about the local town councils from Jeremy Clarkson’s farm show, I’m really surprised that the British subjects put up with that nonsense.

  2. Lots of ticky-tacky multi-story rectangles going up over here in Arlington too. Stack ’em and pack ’em, more tax $$$ per square foot.

    1. The new hundreds of termite mounds springing up around Richmond are mostly wood framed four to six stories with that awful pasteup of materials that break up the mass of the structures with three or four different materials. The materials are emphasized by colors in patches all over the place, the favored colors being battleship gray, a dirty brownish red and some kind of a faux stone chocolate brown, offset by contrived architectural features in white like half gables on one side of an existing real gable, or shitty columns in places where they serve no purpose.
      The worst of them are all in one section of old Richmond, where they razed hundreds of small pre-1910 brick house and put up four and five story things that look like stacked up left over shipping containers, each floor being a different color in the same awful depressing palette I mentioned above. All these eyesores lack depth, texture and any feeling of permanence, speckled with cheap windows with no trim, set at varying elevations with no symmetry, making them resemble pissholes in the snow.
      I keep hoping for a good cat 4 hurricane to rid us of this pox.

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