In this report about a kid caught driving at some ridiculous speed, the article’s author complains:
Sadly, authorities did not provide a photo of or details on the specific make and model Corvette, but the teenager ran for approximately 20 miles (or 10 minutes), according to a release issued by state police.
Yeah, we gunnies have the same problem. While we applaud and congratulate hero citizens for whacking some bad guy in the act of larceny, we are never told what gun was used to send the goblin to join the Choir Invisibule (/Monty Python).
Hell, all we are told is generic shit like “handgun” or occasionally “shotgun”, which is fine, but we would really like to know the important stuff like type of gun, caliber, ammo type (e.g. whether FMJ or hollowpoint), and even more accurately, what brand or type of bullet — Remington Gold Dot 200gr, Hornady Extreme Defense 185gr, SIG Elite V-Crown 124gr, etc. This is important information, because then we can see for ourselves how well or otherwise the boolets affect the ungodly, instead of just having to rely on the usual “ballistic gel” so beloved of ammo testers.
Equally important is where said goblin was ventilated, along with pictures of said wound. (Okay, maybe that’s a Pic Too Far, but you get my drift, right?)
If the Jackals Of The Press (JOTP) can’t be bothered to do any research, or even push the officials for details, what’s the point of even pretending to “inform” the public?
Have you ever noticed that when some government or lefty group does something completely idiotic, immoral and illegal we never get any names from the Media?
I want media to say something like “John Smith was defamed by State employee Alex Asshole, who reported to Bill Bastard who reported to a management committee of Corinne Cunt, Donald Dildo, Edward Egomaniac and Felicia Fuckwit, all of whom approved the defamatory words and conspired with Mr. Asshole to utter them. They have been found liable to personally pay $10M in damages to Mr. Smith, jointly and severally.”
And if dreams came true I’d like to read: “The State itself was found not liable on the grounds that all of those found liable ignored instructions from and deceived their superiors, who had taken reasonable steps to require and supervise their subordinates to not defame citizens.”
Oh well, the courts don’t have the spine to apply the law to do any of those things anyway.
“…we are never told what gun was used to send the goblin to join the Choir Invisibule…”
Well, a big UNLESS follows:
the gun was a scawy ASSAULT TYPE RIFLE with a magnum trigger, a bump sniper extension, an automatic magazine, a high caliber fore end grip, and a thingy that goes up the bayonet studs; you know, the stuff that makes Adam Schiftt his pants and Fauxcahontas come in hers if she can wave it around in a Senate hearing.
I wish the gun, cartridge, bullet type and details were available at various websites along with autopsy photos etc. PUt the photos below the fold sort to speak.
“…Jackals Of The Press (JOTP) can’t be bothered to do any research, or even push [spokes-models] for details…”
We are long past those informative decades of Cub Reporter Jimmy and his EternalQuestForKnowledge™/QuestForEternalKnowledge®… if they ever even existed Real-World and not merely in hollywood propaganda.
These days, all we can expect from Officials-n-Authorities is their singular all-encompassing priority:
* income protection
If job security requires a certain ‘factual flexibility’, well, OK!
These days, all we can expect from the ‘fourth estate’ is some form of the standard-issue tiresome stereotypical BOLSHEVIKS drivel.
Simply put, they are activists.
So, naturally, as activists, they are automatically right.
Everybody else would be wrong (and probably need to be marched to a mass grave someplace).
During my ‘term’ as President, I only answer questions through posts to a public forum… if I have a minute to spare.
No more wasting my precious time with a real-time ‘face-the-press’ ‘press-conference’ so activists can push their BOLSHEVIKS ‘narrative’ and ‘agenda’.
If some crank wants to ask about my ‘policies’, put it in writing.
Derogatory; easily-irritated person.
The crank vocalizes and advocates for an unshakable series of beliefs.
Most of his or her contemporaries consider those beliefs to be obviously false, obviously unworkable, and obviously just more repeats of earlier attempts to accomplish TheGoal©.
For the crank, those beliefs are always contradictory and always momentary, easily abandoned by the crank in favor of some ‘new’ ‘narrative’ and ‘agenda’.
For more on cranks, see also our entry on ‘BOLSHEVIKS’.
keyword : Cub Reporter Jimmy
This link has video of a Florida State Highway Patrol trooper sneaking up on 2 Corvette street racers. Comedy gold.
My family, father, uncle, son, cousin were all Florida LEO. I, on he other hand, being too lazy to work and too nervous to steal, worked for the telephone company.