1. Richard Burton often complained she was “too hairy”.

    Not a problem, I would have thought.

    1. Ask racing drivers. Some rides are hairier than others.
      Was he referring to a relationship with her around the bar at the top of their lungs and involving all the glassware and crockery within reach?

      By the time of her marriage to Larry Fortensky she was knocking back a quart of Jack’s every day, which is why she went to the drying out facility where she met Larry.

  2. Tripped over this the other day. A thoroughly forgettable movie, but the production notes are entertaining–


    I skipped through it watching the outdoor shots as I am fairly familiar with Oroville, having frequented both Huntington’s and RCBS. We lived just up the road in Chico for 30 years.

    1. I thought you were referring to that Bigot Woodrow Wilson’s favorite movie, “Birth of a Nation.”
      I’ve never heard of this movie before. Til today I thought the worst Richard Burton Movie was Bluebeard, costarring Joey Heatherton.

      I skip through the “Sound of Music” the same way, annoying my fellow audience members by saying, “Been there — Been there.”

      1. I skip through the “Sound of Music” –
        The title is a typo – It’s “Sound of Money” responding to sappy schlock.

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