I’ve written before that it should be no surprise that South Africa’s ANC government is always going to align itself with evil countries and terrorist organizations, because the ANC itself is at heart a terrorist organization and always has been (especially when its leader, the sainted Nelson Mandela, was in prison for terrorist activities).
So the news about the ANC government legalizing property seizure (from Whites, duh) is very definitely par for the course.
However, in this case, the ANC has discovered (probably to their complete shock and surprise) that such evil actions may have consequences that may not be to their liking or advantage:
President Donald Trump announced Sunday that he is suspending all U.S. aid to South Africa after the latter passed a law on land expropriation, which many fear could lead to Zimbabwe-style seizures of land owned by white citizens.
…to which our only response should be:
More like this please, Yer Trumpness.
The Woketards are always saying we need to import more furriners to make up for our own women not popping out enough sprogs (after telling women that wifely motherhood was oppression and they should all ride the cock carousel rather than snag a husband, and then kill any unwanted offspring), so here’s an opportunity…all South African Whites can immigrate into the U.S. immediately, get green cards, and get fast-tracked for full citizenship.
I’m sure no DemonRat would object to letting *actual* refugees in, right?
There’s always a danger in allowing a blanket deal for a group of immigrants, and White South Africans are not an exception to that.
I know quite a few, and trust me on this…
They can immigrate here if they pass the background test and such. Otherwise, they can remain go someplace else