
We interrupt this stream of all-politics-all-the-time posts to bring you some traditional recreation shooting, courtesy of Jonny at TGS Outdoors.

As always, action-packed shooting and tons of informative content, all delivered in his trademark aw-shucks overgrown-schoolboy manner (and terrible schoolboy haircut), and all whilst stuck in typical gloomy Britishland shooting weather.


Still, there are some perks…

And the results are important, too.



  1. oh man that looks delightful!!!

    Due to your posts and other influences, 2025 is going to be a busy year for me. On the “to do” list are:
    1) Match up my 22lr rifles and handguns with the ammunition that each one likes best
    2) shoot more skeet and get ready to take a try at pheasant hunting
    3) Sight in my Ruger 77 mk II .30/06 with a new Leupold scope, get a Glenfield 30 in 30/30 sighted in, sight in a K31 Swiss and a Springfield 1903A3
    4) reload more revolver ammunition and expand my reloading into .30/06 and other assorted calibers
    5) practice more with my M1A
    6) take more classes at Sig Academy

    1. Yeah, of course that’s all my fault.

      “Kim you bastard, because you talked about [whatever] gun so fondly, I had to go out and buy one!”

      “Kim, I’ve had to buy another gun safe because of you!”


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