Over The Line

 I see that Tulsi Gabbard made it over the NO vote of soon-to-be-gone Mitch McConnell and was conformed as Director of National Intelligence (DNI).  Excellent.

Now I’m wondering:  who, exactly, approved the action which placed her on a “security risk” (SSSS*) list last year after she switched parties and became a Trump supporter?

If it was her predecessor, then he’s gone, no big deal.  Then we have to ask:  who  motivated the action, if it wasn’t him?

Either way, I hope that Gabbard goes after the asshole — because if a former member of Congress can get blacklisted that way by the government, who is safe?

(Oh, and one last thought:  I just hope that in her new positions she leaves behind all her earlier anti-2A bullshit.)

*SSSS:  the code letters printed on your boarding pass that cause an “enhanced security check” when you check in.  (FYI:  it once happened to me too, for reasons never specified.)


  1. I think she ought to put every Democrat on the no fly list then sort out who put her on it.

    Let Schumer, Pelosi, Omar, AOC and the herd squeal over that for a while

  2. My brother was on an end of year football trip from Sydney to Bali.

    Their flight missed a connection in Perth that left them sitting in the airport for seven hours till the next flight.

    What do a dozen 20 year olds do? Find a bar, of course and proceed to get tanked up.

    All good till one of them had a bright idea that as soon as the plane started taxi-ing down the runway they would all hit the service button. harmless fun, you might say.

    QANTAS stopped the flight, turned around and went back to the gate and kicked them all off the flight.

    Which may or may not have been appropriate. One result though was that my brother had his passport and traveller profile tagged. For years everywhere he went he was searched, bag searched, visa scrutinsed and travel just generally made difficult.

    1. Oh, bollocks. Why wasn’t she put on the list before 2021, then? No, I think it was petty revenge done at the behest of the drunken, babbling, cum-guzzling knob-gobbler Kamala Harris for humiliating the purely awful Kamala at the 2019 Democrat debate and helping force her out of the presidential race two *months* before the Iowa caucus.

      With all the shit Democrat politicians have pulled, including Nancy Pelosi also meeting with Assad, do you honestly think they’d have done a damned thing to Tulsi if she’d remained an obedient little shit-eating Democrat? 🙄

  3. Of course not! I don’t disagree with your argument, but it did give them a means for revenge because she was not part of any US backed junket.
    Jessie Jackson went there with no ramifications.

    Some animals are more equal than others.

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