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Ah, it’s okay if they do it:

Representative Val Hoyle (D-OR) said on Monday on CNN’s “News Central” that Democratic lawmakers will not vote to fund the government if Republicans are advancing President Donald Trump’s agenda.

Wait, does that mean that the entire Feddle Gummint will shut down and won’t be paid?  Including Congress?

Oh, please let it be so.

And by the way, you little pinko pustule:  maybe the voters in your Commie district didn’t vote for Trump’s agenda, but the rest of us sure as hell did.

Now get out of the way so the adults can do what we sent them to D.C. to do.


  1. I wake up everyday seeing more news of Trump removing the cocks from hardworking American taxpayers asses that have been raw dogging us all with no lube for so long and I wonder if this is all a dream.

    Nope. Not a dream. It is indeed real.

    I am giddy over the fact that the Democrats and RINO’s response to being unhappy about Trump eliminating waste and removing the
    Unneeded parts of government is to threaten Trump and taxpaying Americans with shutting even more of the government down. Please do!

    Some news starting to come out this morning Thursday February 13 that firings and workforce reductions are starting at the Department of Indoctrination (Education if you call it that). SPECTACULAR!


    1. I believe in many cases, the Dems agitation isn’t about their power or philosophy, but more like the reaction of rats cornered in a dark basement when you shine a light on them.
      Being found out by a pest exterminator is their worst nightmare.
      I pray a good number of them go to prison for fraud.

  2. They keep using this supposed “threat” of shutting down the government. How is it that they still think that we’ll see that as a bad thing.

    And now they’re saying that if we don’t stop shutting down government waste, they’ll shut down the whole thing. That’s like threatening to give me ice cream if I don’t stop eating pie.

  3. Over 77 million Americans voted for Trump’s agenda, but Hoyle and other Dem’s can go ahead with shutting down the gov’t. Like DavidD above, I like ice cream with my pie.

  4. That’s nothing. I lost my annual $1,400,000 grant from USAID to survey what left-handed Papua New Guineans fishing here in Powhite Creek in January were using for bait. So far, there were no delta smelt being endangered, at least not in January, but what about next year? We have a crisis, and Elon is causing it.
    Shut down the government before worse things happen.

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