Quote Of The Day

From my soul brother Elon:

“We find it sort of rather odd that there are quite a few people in the bureaucracy who who have a salary of a few hundred thousand dollars, but somehow manage to accrue tens of millions of dollars in net worth.” [beat]  “We’re just curious as to where it came from…”

Yeah, me too.  Investigate all of them — Democrats and Republicans.


  1. I want to have Nancy Pelosi as a financial advisor. She is a wizard at picking what stocks to buy and when to sell them for maximum return on investment.

    1. Wasn’t there some guy who simply copied her (publicly available) trades and he got arrested under suspicion of insider trading? My google fu isn’t strong enough to find an article on it, so it might just be one of those internet rumors, but I thought I saw it mentoned a few times over the years.

      1. There are apps that invest one’s money based on what members of Congress are doing. One of the ads popped up in my YouTube feed recently.

  2. yep!! Democrat, Republican, bureaucrat I don’t care at all investigate them and put them in prison.

  3. Back in my old country, a S. American splotch on the map, dominated by Brit and German commercial interests (yeah, Spain too but their stuff was crap back then), there was a saying that “all politicians arrive in office with two dimes to rub together and leave office millionaires”. Thus it has always been in the third world and boy, does it continue to this day,
    The corollary lesson we now know, is that we here have a nation that having reached some pinnacle of wealth, also goes the way of the third world. Apparently “if there is enough money involved, all politicians and satraps go the route of corruption”.
    No surprise to those of us that actually studied the history of Rome, or as a subset, the history of the church (no offense, the politicians in all massive organizations get corrupt).

    As a (now) long time Amurkin, I thought this country had the moral and christian fortitude to resist corruption. Now proven to ourselves that when it comes to politics, there is no such honor among thieves.
    Waiting to see if we toss every one found to have illicitly siphoned our taxes into jail. I for one would approve some of my tax money going to new jail construction in say, Utqiagvik (point Barrow) Alaska, hire the local Inuit as guards. The menu there will be high in marine protein but a bit thin on the vegetable side unless lichens and seaweed are edible. Maybe there are some nice iron ore or copper mines nearby to give the inmates some exercise time 10 hours a day, every day.

  4. Amen. And amen. Glitch McConnell for sure needs some forensic proctology. Never had a real job; a career apparatchik with a net worth north of $30 million. Which he came by honestly. Really.

  5. Whilst I see a lot of advantages in public trials and a train ride to whatever gulag is out there for these people. I will settle for a quiet purge ala Kruschev and the Stalinists, so long as it gets rid of these people.

  6. Make millionaire politicians “pay their fair share”. Money, blood, or pound(s) of flesh, I’m not picky.

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