1. Just remind your valentine that March 14th is Steak and a Blowjob Day, and you’re looking forward to both!

  2. Jeez-O what a bunch of grumps.

    I and my wife are not doing anything real romantic, but we are going out to have enormous fun at a Valentine’s dinner dance at the local Austrian club featuring https://southernstardust.ca/. We’re going with my brother, some friends, and spouses, we’ve a table for 8, gonna Uber there and back with an address pinned to my clothes in case of excess Grüner Veltliner.

    I always though we Canadians were a dull bunch, but …

  3. for once the missus and I went out for St valentine’s Day. We went to a local museum that had an event where you build a heart wreath out of Legos. They had cocktails, little desserts and such. It was fun and something to do.

    The restaurants are typically crowded, over priced, service is off and is generally subpar on holidays. Pass.

    If you need one day a year to express your feelings for your loved ones, then you don’t need flowers and chocolates, you two need therapy or a divorce.

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