…and if you misbehave, you can get kicked out.
This is as true for Hamas-loving terrorsymp “students” as it is for racist assholes like the Seffrican Ambassador.
…and if you misbehave, you can get kicked out.
This is as true for Hamas-loving terrorsymp “students” as it is for racist assholes like the Seffrican Ambassador.
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Not just the 1st amendment, NONE of the constitution applies to foreigners.
Behave or be deported.
Once you have become a citizen and are productive then you can, as the saying goes “so as the Roman’s do when in Rome”. Except in this case it would be the USA.
//NONE of the constitution applies to foreigners.//
Then they are not rights, but privileges.
Rights for citizens. Privileges for non-citizens. As it should be.
//NONE of the constitution applies to foreigners.//
“Then they are not rights, but privileges.”
What in the actual fuck is wrong with you dude?
Well then, I guess all citizens of any country can just come to the USA and do as all Americans do? Non citizens can own guns? Carry guns? Vote in elections? (Some Liberals say illegals should be able to vote in elections, are you a card carrying member of the lefty whacko club?)
I understand some courts have ruled that some rights extend to non citizens (right to attorney’s etc), but to me, those rulings are as flawed as anti gun rulings that say there can be limits on what firearms can be owned, where they can be carried and how one must obtain a permission slip (CCW, LTC permit).
It is obvious as day that all human beings have rights of some type, however to say that non US citizens are protected by the same constitutional rights as US citizens is just plain stupid. Anyone who argues that non US citizens have constitutional rights is either a bleeding heart leftist liberal or they are just plain stupid (many times those two items go hand in hand).
Another option may be that Mama did drugs when the everyone has rights people were in utero or Mama dropped them on their head as a baby.
I think this country needs to establish an intelligence test before allowing breeding…
Constitutional rights are not rights granted by government; they are inherent rights “unalienable,” as Jefferson put it. The “rights” we consider generally as “human rights,” and voting is not one of them, it is a political right granted to those who qualify, thus to citizens only, are instead protected as “negative” rights. In that the Constitution bars government from violating those rights. I.e., the First Amendment’s declaration that “Congress shall make no law” involving freedoms of religion or expression, or that the right to Arms “shall not be infringed” in the 2nd.
Thus they also belong to non-citizens, and persons in other countries. That other governments do not recognize those rights does not mean they do not exist, just that their government infringes on them. When governments do so, Jefferson writes, the people have an inherent right to remove that government and replace it with one of their own choosing.
So – while a non-citizen does indeed have a right to Free Speech as protected (not granted) under the 1st Amendment, he does not have a right to stay in the country. Under certain circumstances, removal is entirely justified. These are difficult and fuzzy lines, but they are real lines.
Teetotaler – it is “obvious as day” that you are wrong, both as a constitutional and legal matter. And perhaps as a moral one as well.
Human Rights conditioned on political inclusion? Be careful what you wish for; you just might get it.
They should take an America hating ingrate of the racist Democrat death cult with them when they get deported
Maybe we as the USA have work for the illegals… Maybe the many police departments and even the military can practice their marksmanship skills with the stakes set up a few notches…
The illegals will stand down range, holding paper targets. The illegal can choose how to hold said target. Next to them off to the side under an arm, above their head, below their crotch between their legs. The illegals can have say in how to hold the target.
The US law enforcement and the military can then practice marksmanship.
Any illegals that survive, get fed for the rest of the day and a place to sleep for the night.
“three hots and a cot”
Any illegals that are wounded or end up at room temperature? Fuck em. Grind them up and make dog chow. New Nibbles and bone bits, with more protein.
BEFORE you move to the US you must be able to speak, read, and write conversational English, and pass an extensive test on it. period
As far as the constitution goes, it never GRANTED rights, it simply recognizes existing natural rights.
The first person that asks where these natural rights are derived gets a double barreled knuckle sandwich.
While I like the idea of rights, I’ve never understood the idea that they’re “natural”. Natural stuff is self-enforcing. We don’t have to enforce gravity, or lightning, or the carbon cycle. Yet rights effectively don’t exist unless they’re stipulate AND protected.
My favorite quote on the subject:
“Ah, yes, the “unalienable rights.” Each year someone quotes that magnificent poetry. Life? What “right” to life has a man who is drowning in the Pacific? The ocean will not hearken to his cries. What “right” to life has a man who must die if he is to save his children? If he chooses to save his own life, does he do so as a matter of “right”? If two men are starving and cannibalism is the only alternative to death, which man’s right is “unalienable”? And is it “right”? As to liberty, the heroes who signed the great document pledged themselves to buy liberty with their lives. Liberty is never unalienable; it must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes. Of all the so-called natural human rights that have ever been invented, liberty is least likely to be cheap and is never free of cost. The third “right”? – the “pursuit of happiness”? It is indeed unalienable but it is not a right; it is simply a universal condition which tyrants cannot take away nor patriots restore. Cast me into a dungeon, burn me at the stake, crown me king of kings, I can “pursue happiness” as long as my brain lives – but neither gods nor saints, wise men nor subtle drugs, can insure that I will catch it.”
― Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers
When I worked in Saudi Aradia for the big engineering firm if you were arrested for violating one of their rules, even as an American Engineer, you were taken directly to the Airport and put on the next flight out. Which was good because you definitely didn’t want to be in one of their Jails.
Yesterday, there was a sizable protest ( doesn’t matter what for ) that shut down the Mass Ave Bridge. OK – Block off Block ends and send in the Busses. Deport the ones without ID’s and here on Visa’s and Green Cards. Cancel the grants and “research projects of the rest. Tell any remaining that they can hold signs and yell on the sidewalk all they want. But the minute they start blocking traffic they are violating the law and subject to arrest.
Marco explained it in no uncertain terms yesterday to Marget Brennen yesterday. She wasn’t happy, cut him off and went to commercial’
Of course she did. What puzzles me is why he bothered going onto her show to explain it to her.