1. All I can say is

    I have all I can do not to launch V2s toward the UK every time I make the mistake of reading the comment section of DM articles.
    My ‘special feelings’ towards our erstwhile English speaking allies of the former British empire throughout the world are fading fast.
    All I see these days are assholes who want us to continue to shovel our tax dollars into a trough they apparently feed from so they can go on drifting towards becoming the French while we protect them from their fantasy Russian bogeyman.

      1. Let me clarify, not Putin specifically, the fantasy idea that Russia currently has the military capacity to overrun Eastern Europe and then on to the Channel coast in some Zhukhov Fantasy Blitzkrieg.

        When they’re currently having problems overrunning contiguous portions of Ukraine.

  2. Most Liberals suffer from entitlement attitudes and mental illness. If someone even says anything that doesn’t jive with the bullshit world the liberals live in, the lefties melt down and go insane.

    I also really question the sanity of a group of people that thinks it is normal and ok to have a man tuck or even chop off their penis, dress as a woman and then want to be included in women’s events. I saw recently about a beauty pageant contestant who was trans? Any normal person living in reality understands that a penis can not and should not be mixed in with events for vaginas.

    Derangement isn’t the word for these lunatics.

  3. So if someone wastes their money or doesn’t make smart decisions it is all trumps fault?

    I have seen some bad presidents. Obama. Biden most recent. I drove used cars. I bought what I needed and looked for things on sale. Didn’t go on lavish vacations

    I wonder if the bitch in the linked article is satire like Kim suggested may be a possibility. If that cunt who wrote that article is for real, then she is one entitled deranged cunt. I really hope no guy is stuck with that fucking lunatic.

  4. Leaving aside that article (must be satire), the market is due for a much needed correction. And by the market, you can take your pick. Stock market, housing market, etc. And it’s going to be rough. Rough on those already retired, rough on those about to retire, etc. And I’m not talking about having to cancel a vacation to Greece. I’m talking about deciding to work another 2 or 3 years instead of retiring next year.

    But. But the correction needs to happen. I’m willing to make the sacrifice to get things straight. To correct the tariff imbalance. To get America producing again rather than rely on 3rd world countries for our steel and other basics. And people bitching about it need to STFU. We either correct it now, or watch it crash sooner rather than later.

  5. Never mind first world problems; this woman has a top 0.1% problem.

    Trump has cost me a lot of money so far but I’m a long-term investor and am willing to wait and see if that will turn into growth.

  6. “Felicity Brown is a pseudonym. Identifying details have been changed. “

    Bitch doesn’t even sign her real name.


    Also remember it was “King” (according to the liberals) Elon who bought twitter (X) and opened it up for truly free speech.

    Liberals are stupid.

  7. Let me get this right, her kids go to private school where the English tax is going up, she has a maid 3 times a week and a gardener once a week where she is bitchin that Trump is making it difficult on her 20 thousand pound investments into the market that are currently loosing value. She has no concept of international macro-economics. The Vat tax on her kids education is all England. Maybe try to clean her own house just a little bit and do her own gardening? Financial markets go up and down and it will be 3 or more months before Trump’s policies filter through businesses bottom line to effect the market.

  8. One comment to the article and it seems a good one too, even if in their weird version of the American language:

    “cannawabit, Milk n Beans, United Kingdom, 9 minutes ago
    Tangerine Trump spoils Louche of Loggos, cry me a sterna.”

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