
Straight from the horse’s mouth:

“Arriving aliens bear the burden of establishing admissibility to the United States. Our Customs & Border Patrol officers adhere to strict protocols to identify and stop threats, using rigorous screening, vetting, strong law enforcement partnerships, and keen inspectional skills to keep threats out of the country. CBP is committed to protecting the United States from national security threats.”

So when they found some Lebanese terrorsymp doctor trying to come into the U.S. who couldn’t explain why she wanted to come back here, and despite her having a valid visa, they kicked her back over to Lebanon.

Of course, all the pics on her phone (which she’d tried to delete) of known Hamas assholes, and the fact that she’d gone back to Shitholia to attend the funeral of one of said assholes, had absolutely no impact on the Usual Suspects in the media, who started wailing their Usual Bullshit about rights, legal blah blah blah and OrangeManBad.

Too bad we couldn’t have sent a few of them back with her, on one-way tickets.

Oh and by the way, this is the pic of the good doctor most often used by said media terrorsymps:

…and this is what she normally looks like:

Just FYI.


  1. I have to ask: who paid for, printed and distributed all those professional looking signs for that and all the other “spontaneous” demonstrations….uh…. riots we’ve seen over the past four years?

  2. If I was at passport control and one of thoose photos was a passport photo and the other was standing before me I’d flag her for further review as well. I suspect that she was already on the list if omel;and was doing their job and had been watching who attended that funeral.

    BTW she is a Transplant Surgeon in R.I. – No thankyou I need a different Doctor, Please.

  3. I have no sympathy for any of these deportees. There was some article on Yahoo about foreign students being encouraged to not leave the US on Spring Break. Who cares? They can go back to their home country. Shoot, they should be begging the CIA for arms to change their country if they really want to improve their lot. The CIA stymied the Communists in Italy after WWII and they overthrew the regime in Iran in the 1950s. Come on CIA, get back to your roots of stopping communists and socialists instead of adopting their ideology

    1. She wasn’t deported, she was denied entry ( ie not let back in ). A technical difference, sure, but the media would rather use the incorrect term – Deported because they think it sounds meaner to the low information crowd.

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