From Stephen Green (and a veritable host of others):
“The Democrats have a destructive addiction to the 20% side of a whole host of 80/20 issues.”
I can’t remember who first uttered the “80/20 issues” trope, but I’ll bet it was a Democrat like James Carville or Bill Maher.
With all things, scale matters.
Are you telling me that 20% of voters — that’s one in every five voters — supports:
- men competing in women’s sports
- gender-reversal surgery on minor children without parental notification (let alone consent)
- not expelling criminal illegal aliens
- not ending the flood of illegal immigrants who draw money from public health- and education services, at the expense of U.S. citizens
- deficit spending and a ballooning national debt
- a voting system that enables voter fraud and crooked elections (in guess who’s favor)
- Hamas-sponsored riots and
- anti-Semitic attacks on Jews in college campuses
- eco-terrorism and obstructive demonstrations
- violent demonstrations against public officials (e.g. Supreme Court justices) who dare to oppose their agenda
- waste, abuse and outright fraud in the federal government budget
- sending foreign aid money — by the billion — to sponsor overt anti-American activities abroad
- siphoning “foreign aid” money — by the tens of millions — to line the pockets of executives running Washington D.C. non-profit organizations
- a military weakened by woke DEI policies and regulations
- a foreign policy that supports enemies of the U.S. (e.g. Iran) rather than chastises them
- over-regulation of industry which chokes off economic progress
- schools which have failed our children, and the government department that is responsible for that failure
- a mandate that all cars sold in the U.S. be EVs, by 2030 — i.e. five years’ time — with no supporting infrastructure to sustain them
- [insert your favorite issues here]
Seriously? One in every five voters supports all the above?
Let me tell you right now: it’s not 20%, but more like 5%. In other words, the Democrats are supporting splinter issues that may find favor with only five in every hundred U.S. citizens — and even 5% may be too high.
So let’s quit this exaggeration of their support, please. Most of their positions are deeply unpopular with almost all voters, and an “80/20” apportionment gives a misleading impression. Numbers matter, so let’s start using the more-correct one.
Speaking of numbers, here’s a recent poll highlight:
When asked in an open-ended question to name the Democratic leader they feel “best reflects the core values” of the party, “10% of Democratic-aligned adults name New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 9% former vice president Kamala Harris, 8% Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and 6% House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries. Another 4% each name former president Barack Obama and Texas Rep. Jasmine Crockett, with Schumer joining a handful of others at 2%.”
When AOC is your standard-bearer (and the rest are equally dire)…
I agree with you, Kim, however …
I’m a financial advisor at Mega Financial Corp and we have clients calling in every day wanting to go to cash because TRUMP! He’s going to destroy the economy and the stock market along with it. Lots and lots of clients.
One of my techniques for calming them down is to ask what news sources they watch/browse. CNN, NYT, WAPO, NPR, the usual suspects. I can’t disrespect their feelings, but I then ask if they ever watch FOX, or read the WSJ and the answer is inevitably, “No, that’s misinformation!” Then I tell them they are only getting one side of the conversation then, and there is another side that thinks we are on the cusp of a brave new dawn. They are plugged into one side of the conversation that tells them the sky is falling and are not even aware there is another side to the conversation. I can then usually calm them down with facts, this is a fairly minor correction and stocks are still near all-time highs, they have international stocks which are doing fine, lots of bonds, etc. Usually works.
But the news sources is my point here. People won’t agree with Dem policies if you ask them the correct questions. But how do the pollsters word the questions? How do those sources paint what is going on in Washington? How do they paint the trans athletes, pretty sympathetic, no? Trump probably caught up 10-20% of American citizens in his TDA roundup, doncha know? They don’t see the issues the same way we do.
That’s the power of propaganda. I still think your numbers are accurate, that is if you or I were wording the poll questions. But we’re not. And half of American is only hearing half of the national conversations. From an anti-American point of view.
I never heard of the 80/20 trope.
The left has moved further left and has crossed the line into completely irrational policy positions. I hope they keep moving to the left as long as the GOP doesn’t chase after them, albeit slightly slower.
The only places where you can find the 80/20 split to be true would be NYC, Boston, Chicago, and the left coast.
The more Musk digs, the more he will find that USAID has become a leftist slush fund to finance all of their horrid programs. I’m sure there are many, many more such programs throughout the US government. I’m willing to bet that there are good programs mixed in there but they have been corrupted by the left to have some perverted bent to them. Even FEMA sounds good on paper but handed to a bunch of bureaucrats we saw that they were discriminating against their political opponents in North Carolina. Where are the prosecutions of this? These scoundrels should be on the news for weeks at a time so that they get the public drubbing they deserve.
“The more Musk digs, the more he will find that USAID has become a leftist slush fund to finance all of their horrid programs. I’m sure there are many, many more such programs throughout the US government. ”
Yup. Start with the Education department – the whole damn thing. You could say the same about HUD.
Get out the chainsaw.
I don’t think that’s a mathematically correct application of the Pareto principle, but I guess they’re into the spirit of the principle rather than the correct application. As someone who’s worked in quality control, I can’t see how it applies here. If they are saying that popular support for any given issue is generally 80/20 for or against, that’s not a correct application of Pareto nor is it correct in general. It’s like when the managers start talking about statistics and make the same wrong decisions while the engineers who mined the data sit and shake their heads.
This is a little different from the classical Pareto Principle.
The idea is basically identifying wedge issues where 80% ish of the voting population is on your side but it goes to a core belief of the other side so they cannot moderate themselves on the issue without pissing off their base..
The Dems put themselves in this position because the academic Left is driving their agenda, and their boutique policy preferences are very different from the general population.
I know a few people who are down the line with probably 95% of that crap. So it might not be 20%, but at least 10-15%, and yes it is scary.
Sadly, yes. 20% of the American public probably do support those things. It’s not the same 20% for all of them, but many of us are very stupid on certain subjects.
“The more Musk digs, the more he will find that USAID has become a leftist slush fund to finance all of their horrid programs. I’m sure there are many, many more such programs throughout the US government. ”
Yup. Start with the Education department – the whole damn thing. You could say the same about HUD.
Get out the chainsaw.
Kim, this. You’ll find few who support all of them. But yes, 20-30% of the public would support various parts of that agenda. What Trump has managed to do is force the Democrats, on issue after issue, to vocally back the “20” part of these 80-20 issues. They would vote against motherhood and apple pie if Trump supported it. Remember the SOTU? They couldn’t stand and support a kid fighting cancer being an honorary Secret Service agent. That’s hatred of Trump overriding everything else.
More amazingly, the hard-core left who leads the current Democrats really believe, in their heart of hearts, that the public really supports their positions, if they just understood them. That their problems are about “messaging,” not that they support wacko positions. Well folks, it’s not just “messaging,” it common sense. And when you’re in DC for decades, common sense is in very short supply.
Well said. In my corner of the world, (Omaha, blue dot in a conservative state) there are plenty of liberals who support the majority of those positions. “If only the rubes could understand our message, they’d agree with us in a minute”. They simply can’t or refuse to understand that they are on the wrong side of a number of issues with the general public. The public tantrums aren’t helping either.