Quote Of The Day

From our old buddy Senator Schmuckie Schumer (Soc-NY), talking about taxes:

“You know what their attitude is?  ‘I made my money all by myself. How dare your government take my money from me?’ “

Couldn’t have put it better myself, asshole.  And it’s not just “greedy business owners” who feel that way, either — something your Party Of Thieves is going to discover soon enough.


  1. as said years ago, we are Taxed Enough Already!

    Income tax, property tax, excise tax, sales tax, hotel tax, etc etc. Cut them all. Then Chuckie Schumer has the audacity to waste out taxpayer funds and then demand more in order to fund his latest pet project of the week. We most certainly do not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem that has gone on for over 60 years.

  2. This the same attitude is at play whenever some Democrat start a conversation about Tax Cuts by saying ” How are you are you going to pay for these Tax cuts?.” Nobody ever seems to push back by asking. Please explain why Tax Cuts need to be “Paid”. A Tax cut is when the People decide that the government gets less money because it’s not spending the money we gave them before wisely.

    We are cutting back your allowance because you’ve demonstrated you can’t be trusted to use it wisely. You make drunken Sailors on Port Call look responsible.

  3. “How are you are you going to pay for these Tax cuts?.”
    Wrong question Schmuckie. What program will you cut or eliminate to pay for your latest pipe dream?
    And where the fuck is the Constitutionally required budget, missing since the Black Jesus Uhbama Terror?

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