1. Why in the name of all that’s logical do we. as a nation, allow these people to retain any kind of security clearance once they’re out of office? will we be calling on them to perform some sort of backdoor negotiations to ensure world peace? Right. Let’s get Gropin’ Joe and Hunter “Smoke Stud” Biden to hammer out a peace deal between Russia and the Ukraine. Let’s get Fauxcahantis Warren to figure out a peace deal in the Middle East.

    That leaves keeping their clearances so they can write a book. Off hand, there isn’t anyone on that list who could write anything more than a grocery list that I would want to read, and probably not even that.

  2. When I worked for the Big Engineering Consultant Firm we had a project at Rocky Flats ( Nuke Weapons Plant ) I was required to have TS Clearance that included deep background check. It needed to be renewed on a regular basis and it expired when the contract ended. When we did another project the whole process was done again ( but faster ). Access to anything important was strictly “Need to Know” case by case. Basically a “Secret Clearance” is the lowest level and is worthless because everybody has one.

    Eliminating or canceling the Clearance for anyone on that list not holding a Government office is a good start. It’s One branch of Government that appears to take its job seriously

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