News Roundup

And some political news snips:

In :

...drill baby, drill.

Some Political News:

...wait:  Fatboi?  The poster child for “limousine socialist”?

And now for some good lovin’ (I just love it when the girls talk and act tough):


And speaking of “love”:

...Rosie O’Donnell, Ellen Degenerate, and now Courtney… still more reasons to support DJT.

And speaking of unwelcome immigrants, in The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

...and it’s a socialist country, even.  While locally:

...except that he isn’t a “student”, but a fucking lecturer.

...see?  That wasn’t so difficult, wuzzit?

In Global Cooling Climate Warming Change© News:

...did somebody say:  “Party time!” ?

Why, I believe they did.

From the Dept. of Education: it so wrong that I got mildly excited by this visual?

...redefining the term “special ed”.  And speaking of rapists:

...of course he does.

In Entertainment News:

...careful what you wish for, Jew-hate boy;  you know she has Armenian cousins, right?

Now, the always-popular


...uh-huh, uh-huh.

From the front-line trenches in Sex Wars:

...not to mention poverty.  Even so, you’d still have get me to pull my lips off Salma Hayek’s at gunpoint.

…and at that familiar address on :

...don’t we all, honey, don’t we all.  Here’s hers, back then:

…although I must say, the 58-year-old bod isn’t too horrible either:


“Fine wine” comes to mind.

And that’s probably about as much news as anyone can bare.


  1. I realize the Tesla burners are low hanging fruit, but every time I read about some of them being rounded up I can’t help but think where the hell are the real arrest? Epstein anyone? What about the massive fraud and no arrest? How long did it take the Democrats to arrest Trump after he left office, like 2 seconds, right? All the congressional hearings in the world don’t mean anything without a perp walk. It’s not just Bondi, but an overall still lingering timidity to go after the sleeze in public and real ways. Very soon they all will be mired in paralysis of inaction and the advantage will be lost.

    Damn.. too early to hit the scotch..

  2. Are we waiting for a special holiday, or what? RELEASE THE FULL, UNREDACTED, UNEDITED EPSTEIN PAPERS! It’s long past time. Name names, and let the chips fall where they may. No one, NO ONE, should be spared. They had their jollies, now it’s time to pay the price!

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