1. Sick of just the Tranny bullshit?

    If only.

    King Joe is busy issuing executive “tea tax” style orders that make my blood boil.
    And directing his unelected goon agencies to proclaim society altering regulations…incandescents, gas stoves, internal combustion vehicles, EV’s ( you WILL buy one, peasant!), fossil fuels, fertilizers, electric power generation, etc.

    I can, and do, avoid Budweiser related products, Coke, Target, Mars, and so on.

    I can’t avoid the assholes in Mordor on the Potomac because they lie all day and send fully kitted Meal Team Six units out to roust simple law abiding folk who practice bad think while actively avoiding people who might actually shoot back, like the Pentagon leaker… because they might actually shoot back.

  2. It not only assumes wisdom, it assumes they *care*.

    If Ambev goes from a 132 billion (market cap) company to a 120 billion company *because of something the board wants* it’s still a 120 BILLION dollar company.

    People are *still* buying their products, maybe less Bud light, but how are sales of Modelo, Corona and Pacifico going? Especially in Mexico and around the world.

    We’re peasants, they don’t give a shit what we think because they’re smarter than we are. After all, they went to Harvard and we didn’t. Never mind that they can’t you what a woman is.

  3. In the logical world of yesterday, the beer can boffin would have been escorted to the door by security with his/her/xis personal effects in a cardboard box generously provided free of charge. In fact that person has probably been earmarked for promotion to the C Suite.

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