News Roundup

But on a parallel topic: which we play “Guess The Race” of the “suspects”.

...this news item was brought to you by the Loch Ness Tourism Board.

In the That’s How You Do It! Department:

...and the Frogs have the Right Stuff too:

...the only thing missing is a steam roller.

...too bad he didn’t break his wokist neck.

...key word:  India.  whoever could have seen that coming?

...he’ll be even more uncomfortable in a jail cell, but at least he won’t be able to open that door.

...but had the sexes been reversed, she’d have got half of £250 million, you betcha.

And as for INSIGNIFICA: as any fule kno, I think Simon Cowell should be executed for Crimes Against Music, but wait… Mezhgan Husseiny?

He was not worthy.  Or newsworthy, for that matter.


  1. BUS HORROR. Pulleeze at the southern tip of Africa that doesn’t even make the news anymore.

  2. What is it with Brits in general and their penchant for horse faced wimmins?
    Never understood that. Solid built and big boobs used to be the standard.
    I blame Charlie three sticks for being the worst offender in that department.

  3. Quaker White Oats. On that note, one of my favorite memes shows the woke version Land-O-Lakes followed by “Typical white man. Get rid of the Indian, keep the land”.

  4. Wine, cheese, food, shotguns (arguably), cars (arguably), models/actresses and now how the Eye Ties treat imbeciles, man they’re firing on all cylinders!!!

    the climate change protestors deserve that old tire and fuel treatment. I forget what it was called. They’ll be warm for the rest of their wretched lives.

    Springsteen is still alive? damn, I lost the death pool again today.

    What’s left in San Francisco? I heard Whole Foods closed their extortion shop there so now those yuppies are going to starve.

    Ten dead in a bus crash in India? sounds like the bus was empty. I visited Jamaica once and the tour bus had jump seats that absolutely packed everyone in like sardines. I bet if we were locals they would have doubled the capacity.


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