Life Lesson

…well, not for me, nor for most of my Readers, but this story reminds us why we should never believe what the fucking government tells us:

Michael Shellenberger’s Public today released a blockbuster story, “First Person Sickened By COVID-19 Was Chinese Scientist Who Oversaw “Gain Of Function” Research That Created Virus,” which generously credits Racket. The story cites three government officials in naming scientist Ben Hu, who was in charge of “gain-of-function” research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, as the “patient zero” of the Covid-19 pandemic.

This is a major story, contradicting early official explanations pointing to zoonotic cross-species “spillover” at the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, colloquially known as the Wuhan wet market. The mystery bat or pangolin suspected of transmitting the disease to humans at that market was never found. The Public story for the first time asserts the source of contamination: a Wuhan Institute scientist fell ill after exposure to a virus engineered at his place of work.

The implications of this are enormous and represent a major problem for the federal health bureaucracy, several intelligence agencies, and the news media, to say nothing of politicians in both parties (but particularly those on the Democratic side) who’ve deflected public interest from the Wuhan Institute and gain-of-function research. The secrets of both the pandemic’s origin and the reason for America’s at-best-sluggish investigation of same have become the mother of all political footballs, and today’s news is likely to be just the first in a series of loud surprises.

So all that bullshit about “markets” and “bats” was just that:  weapons-grade

My trust in government was always on the low side, having grown up in a totalitarian society.

Imagine my surprise when I discovered that our own American government is, if anything, worse than that.

Trust nobody — and most especially, don’t trust anything the government tells you, when the likely outcome is that they can increase their control over us, with our consent.

Like I said:  a life lesson.


  1. “Like I said: a life lesson.”
    Yeah, now let’s give that arrogant POS Fauxci a “life lesson” for financing that Gain of Function research that resulted in a pandemic that killed millions and cost trillions in lost economic activity.
    Let him preach his flip-flopping pseudo-science prevarications to Bubba in a gray bar hotel for the rest of his life. He deserves nothing less for two years of hiding his part in that tragic fiasco, scratching like a cat covering its turds.

  2. Sounds like you’re late to the party, but welcome, none the less.
    The us gov’t systems are the worst criminal enterprise the world has ever known and nothing would please me more than to see ALL of it’s employees punished severely.

  3. Hear that sound???

    Me neither.

    Thats the sound of the media reporting this story.

    1. that’s the problem right there. we don’t have an honest media anymore. They’re just the propaganda arm of the racist Democrat death cult

  4. For those keeping score at home…

    The scientific community called what is going on at Wuhan gain of function research.
    The Chinese government is on the record now as calling what was being done at Wuhan gain of function research.
    The only person not calling what was going on at Wuhan gain of function research is Anthony Fauci.
    Therefore it is not gain of function research (modus governmentus).

    It is one thing to work hard to rise to a level of unaccountability such that you rarely, if ever, have to endure the consequences of your decisions. But to rise to a level where you can even change the definition of terminology in order to avoid the consequences of being directly responsible for a world wide pandemic that cost the world trillions is on a whole different level. I’d respect it, but Anthony Fauci is such a scumbag.

  5. At what point do we consider our consent to be governed by these mendacious tools revoked?

    (See the Declaration of Independence for the implications of revocation of consent.)

  6. If they admit the truth, some hard questions arise. Were we attacked? Should we be at war with China? How does the world respond to the most deadly weapon ever deployed?

  7. I think this bears repeating here. Everyone in government — EVERYONE — is, at least in part and to some degree, desirous of the exercise of power over citizens. I assert that ANYONE in that position or condition is unfit for office, America putatively being a nation founded in liberty.

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