Glueball Wormening Alert

Yes, yes, I know… but now it’s getting serious:

Weird creatures flocking to Brit beaches as UK looks ‘more like the Med’

Or maybe it’s an influx of Russian sunbathers, such as the Midi is experiencing:

It’s an easy mistake to make.

You’ll have to follow the link to find out what the creatures actually look like — but by comparison, they’re not too bad.


  1. Comment on the above picture of the Russian Landwhale:

    I direct your attention to your previous note about the boob-touching pubs in Japan. Now, try getting that mind picture out of your fevered brain.

  2. Both pics remind me of this episode from my old stomping grounds in the Pacific Northwest. I was actually up the road a piece in Tacoma & a toddler at the time, but we had a family friend who was involved in the cleanup. It’s what can happen when allegedly grown men play with things that go boom.

  3. Strange creatures appearing on the beaches…….and in other news:
    Beware of Barrel Jellyfish.

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