Climate Change?

Almost exactly 365 days ago, southern Britishland was in the grip of a fearful drought, vid.:

…and of course, pics like the above caused much weeping, wailing and gnashing of British teeth with headlines such as “Does climate change mean that we’ll never see rain again?” and similar twaddle.

Of course, we sentient human beings all know the difference between “climate” and “weather”, so there was NO PANIC!!! amongst us.  And indeed, here we are, a year later:

…because Britishland’s old friend — RAIN — has fallen from the skies again, this time leading to items such as this (sent to me by Longtime Buddy Mrs. Sorenson):

…which in turn leads to things like this, taken in my car yesterday:

I’d gladly offer to trade, say, 25 degrees off our summer for a couple weeks of cooling rain from theirs.

Were it not for non-existent income tax, relaxed gun laws, hands-off politicians, fine BBQ and friendly Texans… I have no idea why I live here.

By the way, in the comments for the original article whence I filched the first two pics, one guy offered the following:  “That drought was in the south.  Up here in the North, it’s been raining nonstop for five years.”


  1. I’m just encouraged to learn there are still enough British teeth left to gnash.

  2. Texas in the summer, it gets kind of hot from time to time and this summer is one of those times. We no longer water our grass, just let it turn brown and crispy and wait for some rain in about a month. I am getting ready to go out and water my trees because when it gets this dry I like to let a bit soak into the ground around the roots just to make the trees feel happy for a day or two.

    Depending upon where you live and your soil here in Texas there are times when you have to water your house, soaker hose around the perimeter to keep the house from moving as the earth dries out. When I lived up on Spy Glass Court in Carrolton, one of the highest homes up on the hill in that part of Denton, County I had to have my house on soaker hose timers to keep it from moving too much, that sucks.

    And yes, sometime in the next couple of months we will probably get about 4 or 5 inches of rain in a couple of hours which will cause flash flooding as the streams and rivers overflow which is normal here in the Texas Hill Country. Those warnings about high water and big poles to measure the height of the water at low levels on roads are real and when people in smaller cars try to cross the low levels they end up on the TV new when their car turns into a boat. Stuff sure greens up after one of those quick fast storms.

  3. I was in Wales for 5 weeks this summer. The first two weeks it didn’t rain once and the local news was calamitous about the “end of the lush Welsh countryside.” Then it rained all day, every day for a month and it was like a fookin’ jungle on every lane and footpath. Then all they could talk about were the “new weather extremes due to global climate change.” FFS, they would complain if you hung them with a new rope.

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