Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

From what I can gather, some mope who disagreed with his ex-girlfriend’s choice of partner broke into said partner’s house, and pointed a gun at New Boyfriend’s head.

Whereupon New Boyfriend shot Ex-Boyfriend dead, right there at the foot of the bed.

While the cops did initially take New Boyfriend down to the station for a friendly chat, they apparently released him after a pat on the back, and are not going to charge him with any crime.

All good stuff, except of course for the ex-boyfriend;  but we don’t care about him and nor does anyone else.


  1. the perps carcass should be put on display until it rots away. That ought to be a deterrent to other would be criminals


    1. After the evil one is dead, it’s no longer a punishment, so the Eighth Amendment should not apply.
      Considering the general stupidity of violent criminals, this might be the only thing that would deter them. Punishment is immediate and the presence of the criminal as an object lesson is right outside the police station. Preferably wrapped in bird wire (chicken wire but smaller) so the object lesson does not decay and blow away too quickly.

      1. I say hang them up in the area where their crimes occurred or where the criminals resided. There are probably more criminals in that area of town who need remedial lessons that stealing is wrong and will not be tolerated


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