Adding Reality

I am a HUGE fan of the guys at 9-Hole Reviews, but the FR-F1 / GIGN Loyoda show is the best by far.

Yes, Henry Chan is a brilliant distance shooter — I mean, clearing the entire course of fire out to 800 yards using only a single box of cheap inconsistent PPU ammo* and a horrible French 4x (#4 German post) scope is nothing short of miraculous.  And his analysis of the Loyoda engagement is also excellent.  All shooter-analysts should be that good.

Well done, guys — and keep them coming.


  1. wow! that’s rather amazing shooting!

    I wish they would do commercial hunting rifles for their reviews.


  2. Fell in love with Henry when his spotter said something along the lines of “rooftop Koreans”, and Henry’s reply was “Well I’m a platform Chinaman.”

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