News Roundup

And speaking of friends not worth Smirnoff:

...just for kicks, we need a couple of Christian families to ask for an opt-out too, based on… ummmm I think it’s called… equal protection? ordinary old headaches weren’t enough? the moment, the ANC government is too busy offering support to Hamas to worry about the White Man’s Magic.

And speaking of the latter:

1.) I don’t think that many Pals live in Gaza in total, and even if there are, 2.)
#Don’tCare #TheyStartedIt #Fuckem

And the Great Cultural Assimilation Project News:

...there should be a LOT more of this.  (Not the slashy-slashy, the shooty-shooty.)

...could somebody pass the news on to this asshole?

And speaking of “shocking”:

...newsflash:  we never are.  Go peddle your panic somewhere else.

...for once, they got it right.  And proud we are of it, too.

...the Catholic church was unavailable for commentNo doubt they were too busy hosting the funeral of a trannie atheist.

...her half-dozen OnlyFans subscribers must be distraught.  A quick reminder of whom we speak:

No man should;  but at least one man apparently has, as she recently popped a sprog:

…to prevent mass vomiting.

And speaking of the unspeakable:

...I had no idea that Pedo / Paedo World even had a hierarchy.  So what’s Joe Biden’s title, then?

And in the Travel Department:

...don’t go to:  1) Monaco, 2) London or 3) New York City.  Ask me how I know this.

And in today’s


...I imagine that the Hotness Competition among female firefighters is not that strong, but lessee anyway:

I guess her background as a porn actress has helped her in her new career.

And that’s the news.


  1. That ain’t a “firefighter”.
    It’s a distraction and a hazard to all the real firefighters.

  2. From the River to the Sea for Israel!! The Palestinians started it so they should reap what the have sowed. Someone somewhere said that Islam is a pox on the world and every day we can see that was an accurate assessment. Pope Urban II was right about the mideast.

    How on earth did that racist fraud Rachel Dolezal get a job in a school to start with? She shouldn’t be in any position more responsible than cleaning up a dog park. Even then she would require constant supervision.

    Apparently John Mellencamp is trying to stay relevant before his obituary gets published. He should seek attention by adopting the middle name Cougar again.

    Pedos in cages sounds like a great solution. Now combine that with a dunk tank of boiling water and we’ll end the pedos once and for all.

    White Supremacy has brought us reading, writing, music, art, science, political science, free markets, engineering, medicine, space flight, civil rights, air flight, industrialization, theater, sports, a higher standard of living, and much much more. The only downside I see is giving malcontents a voice that is listened to rather than mocked.

    Is Seattle competing with San Francisco to become the worst left wing nutbag fetid cess pit?

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