Great Excuse

Imagine how this little story would have ended, had the sexes been reversed:

A wife who stabbed her husband in the chest for falling asleep while she was talking to him has been spared jail after her victim told the judge the attack was a ‘one-off’.

Canterbury Crown Court was told how Deborah Stallard carried out the attack after becoming ‘irritated’ when her husband Barrie had appeared to fall asleep when she began talking about her life problems.

Mr Stallard required emergency medical treatment for the stabbing, but asked the judge at a sentencing hearing on Friday not to put his wife behind bars — blaming the violent outburst on her menopausal symptoms.

Oh sure:  the always-reliable “menopause” defense.

Note that she didn’t just prick him with a knife;  she stabbed him hard enough to be hospitalized.  That’s some kind of “irritation”, you betcha.

Of course, nobody’s talking about how she could have used other, less-injurious methods — e.g. shaking or even (gasp!) slapping the guy awake — but because Teh Change is involved, Madame is spared the consequences of her actions.

And by the way:  Barrie?  You’re a fucking pussified twerp.


  1. Q: What kind of a retard continues to live with someone that stabbed his ass?

    A: A retard that deserves being killed.

    Extra Credit: Since she got away with it the first time do you think she’ll do it again?

  2. Unless they were gonna put her away for life, he did the right thing. If she stabbed him for falling asleep, imagine what she’d do if he sent her to jail for 6 months (or whatever). In his place, the minute she was convicted I’d be filing for witness protection, packing my bags, changing my name and moving out of country.

  3. The “Menopause Defense” is something that men should be able to raise for their own actions during “the Troubles “.

  4. Actually, this happens all the time when the sexes are reversed. At least, the outcome if not the reasoning behind the action. Specifically, the victim of domestic abuse refusing to file charges which is exactly what this story boils down to.

    We had a local news item just this past week where a judge tossed out charges brought against a guy who’d attacked his wife in public and dragged her to his car and drove home. He had a history of abusing her (and previous spouses, at least one of which he was convicted of killing) but each time the woman didn’t press charges. In most of these cases I’m sure the motivation is fear of reprisal rather than being forgiving, but it happens (frequently) none the less.

  5. ” …..when her husband Barrie had appeared to fall asleep when she began talking about her life problems.”

    She was probably well into her 2nd hour of a nonstop complaint. And he had likely learned that any response from him only made the diatribe longer and louder. I also suspect that this wasn’t the first time he heard all these complaints either.

    …. and don’t expect any credit for keeping her out of jail. It’s all going to be your fault, Barrie. … and whoever decided your name should be feminized by spelling it with an ie instead y

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