Quote Of The Day

From where else?

“Judge Abena Darkeh told us, ‘Do not bring the Second Amendment into this courtroom. It doesn’t exist here. So you can’t argue Second Amendment. This is New York.’ “

One assumes that none of the other Amendments in the Bill of Rights exists there either. (They probably don’t.)

Ordinarily, I’d have suggested:


…and as she’s a Darkeh, I don’t want to be accused of a hate crime (although “hate” is actually inadequate to describe how I feel about this foul bitch).

So instead, may I suggest:

Just tryin’ to be sensitive, here.


  1. burning at the stake was used effectively and since it was used in northern europe, no complaints concerning her demographics would be appropriate

  2. Reminds me of my Divorce petition. I decided that it was in my interest to litigate, even if just for fun and to run up Herself’s tab.

    Then I got a load of the Dallas Family court judges. They ALL looked like that judge, except for one that was a hu-white version..

    Nope. That’s a big nope. Worked things out without court. Still took judge Sha’Naynay two months to sign the thing.

  3. Such f’ing arrogance has to be punished first. Bring back the stocks and lock her in them for a week before leading her off to a firing squad or whatever.

    If she was appointed, then whoever appointed her needs to share her fate. If elected, then God help the people of New York, ’cause they’ll probably re-elect her.

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