News Roundup

And speaking of cuts, we have some news from the Dept. Of Education:

...I’d suggest “Gender Studies” (or “Anything” Studies), but then I’d be accused of being a hater.

...wait, there are still some male teachers out there?

And from The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

In other International News:

...I really, REALLY hope that this was a deliberate act of assassination (by the Izzies, the CIA, Iranian dissidents — anyone, I’m not fussy who), and not just some mechanical failure in the chopper.

...seems as though a lot of countries are having problems with ‘coon invasions.

And on this side of The Pond, although not necessarily in the U.S.A.:

And in the Dept. Of Irony:

...this almost rivals “AIDS Cure Found In Dolphin Livers” as a headline.

In the Sexual Confusion Dept.: the surprise of nobody except the Raving Loony Party.

And in Political News:

...I would imagine during the next Democrat Socialist Administration.

...see, if she’d just married him first...

And in Entertainment News:

...and no, it never fucking ends.  Until they go out of business.

...£££££££££££ $$$$$$$$$$$$ €€€€€€€€€€€€ ?  Mind you, it’s not ALL bad:

...even though I STILL wouldn’t recognize any of their songs if my life depended on it.

Time for some more  


...and “Who she?” you ask:

...good grief, no man should.

And to get all that scrubbed from our brains, we’ll take a drive down :

...we’ve seen her before, and here she is again:


And on that low-cut note, we end the news roundup.


  1. Helicopter crash.
    They were in a 35 year old Bell 212. the civilian version of a Huey. It was dense fog in a very mountainous area. So, I suspect the cause was ” Koby Bryant Syndrome”. The pilot allowed his passengers to overrule his recommendation to wait until the weather clears. As a result, they flew into one of those clouds with the hard center and had what Irian State TV described as a “Hard Landing”.
    ……. So, apparently. “Anshala” Allah wasn’t willing. without the CIA’s help

  2. Re; Universities: They could shut down all their colleges of education, too. If school districts took to hiring derelicts off the streets, the quality of instruction could only improve.

    In a replayed thought; Male teachers? Obviously not very.

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