Quote Of The Day

From SOTI:

What is white American culture?  According to the Smithsonian, white culture is characterized by individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, progress, respect for authority, delayed gratification, and more.

“More”?  Allow me to expand on the above and/or add some more aspects of White American culture (note the caps) because those soft pinkos at the Smithsonian obviously have a problem doing so.

  • self-reliance
  • personal responsibility
  • religion, or at least firm adherence to Judeo-Christian principle
  • respect for our Western European cultural heritage and its institutions
  • clearly-defined masculine and feminine personae, and their respective roles
  • protection of self, family, the community and the nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic
  • reverence for the nation’s flag, and the principles for which it stands
  • belief in and support for the Founding Fathers and our nation’s founding principles as enumerated in the Constitution and Bill of Rights
  • deep suspicion of, or even hostility towards people and institutions who do not support, or actively try to subvert any of the above.

…and that’s just off the top of my head.  And by the way, all the above are precisely why I left the country of my birth and became a U.S. citizen, a White American.

Feel free to add any omissions in Comments.


  1. you summed it up well.

    I have had enough being told that I have to be ashamed of my European ancestry and embarrassed about the blatant and glorious accomplishments of Western Civilization. I’ll gladly take the good and bad of Western Civilization over any other. what have they produced? The only one I can see that comes close might be Chinese civilization but that stagnated around 1600 or so.

  2. According to the Smithsonian, white culture is characterized by individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, progress, respect for authority, delayed gratification, and more.

    What is amusing is that “white” culture doesn’t meet that definition nearly as well as Asian-American culture.
    Asian-Americans are kicking every other ethnicities asses, where it counts for success.

    Asian-Americans have the lowest out-of-wedlock birth rate (white single girls get pregnant at 2x the rate of Asian-American single girls), the highest HS and college graduation rate, the lowest divorce rate, and on average have a higher family income.

    If the black and brown “minority” Americans want to have the best chances of success, they shouldn’t “act white”, they should “act Asian-American”.

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