News Roundup

We need some kind of protection from news like this…

From the Glueball Jewhate Dept.: long as it’s just on campuses, fine.  If they want to take it to the streets, however...

...which overlaps quite nicely with the next item.

From the The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

...I dunno why the locals are so intolerant.  Why can’t they just understand that crime is so much a part of Algerian culture?

...more intolerance;  child rape is an integral part of Nicaraguan culture.

...when you count “nothing” as “extraordinary”, perhaps.

In Transnational Organization News:

...of which they’ve had far more than they deserve anyway.

...LOL I suspect the sample was mostly farmers. the consternation of the European media, no doubt.

From the Nasty Furrin Country files:

...said position to be occupied by… a man.  (Not from the Babylon Bee)
#Melbourne #OfCourse’s not hate speech, it’s a Government policy statement.

From the Dept. of Health: Boomer Villagers need any encouragement.

And now, several instances of

...all sex is risky (if done properly), and doing it is always a gamble.

And on a stroll down :

...let’s spend a few moments with this totty and her well-traveled parts:

I think that barely covers the news for today.


  1. any student demanding intifada should be expelled immediately and denied admission to pretty much every college. That black mark should follow them for a decade or so. Yale students should not be disrupting anything either on campus or off. The rest of us are living our lives and can join their tantrums if we want to or we can go about our business as usual. How are their disruptions justified from denying another student the education that they are paying an exorbitant amount of money? Pope Urban II was right and the crusades absolutely did not go far enough.

    Democrats used to push for secured borders and now they want the borders wide open. Janet Reno of the Bill Lover Boy Cinton regime made sure that Elian Gonzalez was deported back to Cuba. In that case, he should have been allowed to stay as a refugee from that failed communist dictatorship. Build the wall, secure the border, deport the criminal migrants just like Eisenhower’s “Operation Wet Back.” If we need more low skilled labor then we can change our immigration laws to address that. First we have to secure the borders and toss out the criminals.

    The UN is nothing more than a make work program for tyrannical bureaucrats and political bullies and rapists. I doubt the UN has done anything truly useful since the 1950s. Even then the only reason the UN was marginally adequate in Korea is because of American leadership. too bad MacArthur pushed to the Yalu River and prompted the ChiComs to get involved directly.

    I have no idea why any woman tolerates a man in their bathrooms or locker rooms. Beat the bejesus out of the pervert. this could be very effective in locker rooms where floors can get very slippery.

    the EU is an unelected unaccountable bureaucracy so what could possibly go wrong? The United States of Europe experiment failed. Time to return sovereignty back to the nations where it belongs. They can negotiate their own trade deals amongst themselves.

    Replace the word Boer with kaffir and see how fast that phrase becomes hate speech. Just like the N word in the US. It’s fine for one demographic group to use the phrase in daily life and in rap “music” but all hell breaks loose if someone else uses the word. That’s nonsense too.

    pictures of Flanagan looks like a nice way to end the news. She’s rather easy on the eyes

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