Total Agreement

This guy has produced a Top 20 Best Guns Ever Made video (delivered in a no-frills, dry-as-dust format), and it’s probably one of the first such made that I have absolutely no disagreement with, at least for the first dozen.

Basically, he’s included “popularity” as one of his criteria (hence the inclusion of the Glock), and that’s fine;  when you end up making millions and millions of a particular gun, it’s hard to argue with his reasoning.

Hell, I don’t even argue much with his ranking — if indeed it is a ranking and not just a list — and my only quibble is that he’s included both the Winchester 94 and Marlin 336 lever rifles, and as far as I’m concerned, that’s really just a double entry of pretty much the same gun.

And yes, he’s only talking about cartridge-firing guns, and repeaters (e.g. no single-shot ones like Sharps rifles).

But those are just minor quibbles.  I found myself nodding along all the way through.  And I agree with leaving the Colt Python off the list.

You may all pick your jaws up off the floor.


  1. Winchester Model 70 and/or Remington Model 700 should find room on that list because both are noteworthy. Remington 700 has been used for hunting, military and police use. It’s current production might be lacking or might be an improvement because it comes with a Timney trigger.

    The Model 70, the rifleman’s rifle in Pre-64 configuration remains iconic that many rifles are judged against. Then again it is a Mauser action so maybe that’s covered by the K98 to some degree.

    S&W model 27 or 28 failed to make the grade. It was the first modern magnum handgun that launched just about every huge cartridge put into a handgun. The Model 19, model 60, Ruger and Colts offerings are just other firms seeking to enter that market created by Smith and Wesson for a revolver using the .357 magnum cartridge. Considering the length of time that Law Enforcement used the .357 magnum cartridge, I believe this revolver should replace the Beretta 92FS on his list.

    I would have thought the Walther PP would have made the list for being the first DA/SA semi automatic pistol to be produced. Maybe not as popular as other pistols however the design kicked off many modern DA/SA semiauto pistols. The PP also kicked off the PPK, PPK/s and the P38.

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