One Down

I see that the DEI tart in charge of the Secret Service has resigned, no doubt to take a highly-paid job at CNN or something.

That’s all well and good;  but I want to see who replaces her.

If his (HIS!) name is “Jake Rockjaw, former Army Rangers/USMC Scout Sniper” or similar, I might feel reassured.

But if it’s some other dickless Tracy (man or woman), it’ll just be the same old shit in a different wrapper.


  1. My guess: it will depend on the outcome of the election. If Trump wins, then I fully expect her to be Arkancided before the inauguration. She knows too much.

    As for her replacement, I believe her deputy has taken over as Acting Director. I can’t recall the man’s name, but allegedly he was on W’s Protection Detail for at least one term, so he hopefully knows what’s required of the job.

  2. Refuse the resignation and then FIRE HER.
    If you really want to ‘send a message’, revoke her pension and
    somehow make her ineligible for government employment AT ANY
    I’m normally not a vindictive person but am tired of all of these
    overpaid, under worked, unqualified LIARS getting away with
    everything and anything without ANY punishment .. ever !

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