Pure Comedy

Fine, I know he’s the prime contender for the late Sheila Jackson Lee’s title of “Stupidest Person In Congress”, but even for him, this is rich:

Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Wednesday on ABC’s “The View” that it was “hard to find someone better qualified in our history to become president” than Vice President Kamala Harris.

Ummm I can think of half a dozen, and that’s just since 1900.  (Okay, since you ask:  Taft, Coolidge, Hoover, Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan.  Hell, Warren Harding was better-qualified than the DEI VP, never mind the lesser Republicans like the two Bushes.)

And if we go further back in our history… oh, Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Jackson, Lincoln… need I go further?

I would suggest that Schiff undergo a lobotomy, but I suspect he already has.


  1. Because of the amount of plain retardedness of the media and politics I’ve had to throttle all of it way back.

    I can’t make much sense out of any of it so I’m not even going to try.

    I believe confusion and incompetence is their key methodry combined with unaccountabilty.

    When it’s time to start slitting throats let me know, K?

  2. I’m convinced that Schiff and people like him know that they are stupid and then they assume that everyone else is at least as stupid as they are.

  3. This ALL staged, scheduled, choreographed, refined and released
    PROPAGANDA and it is ALL you are going to see and hear from the the pundits for this walking talking disaster until election day –
    unless there is a ‘surprise’ coming .
    They have NOTHING ELSE . Harris has accomplished NOTHING in her life except some minor skills with knee pads which, if what I read is true, it the ONLY method used to advance her career (?),
    position (?).
    There will be endless lies trying desperately to convince ANYONE who can cast a ballot that Harris is the answer to everyone’s prayers, hopes and dreams.
    Be SURE to vote people, no matter what the pole are saying and NEVER underestimate the left’s ability to win via using only printing presses !!! You don’t believe that all of the lousy, useless, crooked, lying, rabid left wing politicians keep getting elected
    over and over in honest elections do you ??

  4. The schiff that comes out of Schiff’s mouth… Yep, now that Sheila Jackson Lee is gone he IS the stupidest rep in Congress.

    1. Fulla Schiff is correct when he says Harris is the most qualified among Democrats. The sole qualification is political reliability. Anything else is irrelevant, like the handsomest man on radio or the most educated man in porn.

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